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Effective Nonrule Policies

If you have questions, please contact the IDEM office identified with each NPD listed below.

Effective Nonrule Policy Documents
Multiple Program Areas
ID # Policy Description Effective DateCitationContact
ENF-001 [PDF] IDEM's policy for determining penalties for violations of the 1998 UST Upgrade Requirements which go into effect December 23, 1998 04/05/1999 IC 13-23-14 Office of Legal Counsel, Enforcement Branch
ENF-002 [PDF] Civil Penalty Policy 04/05/1999 IC 13-30-4 Office of Legal Counsel, Enforcement Branch
ENF-003-R1 [ZIP] Supplemental Environmental Project Policy
Application [DOC]
06/20/2008 IC 13-11-2-166
42 U.S.C. § 13101 [PDF]
Office of Legal Counsel, Enforcement Branch
MP-004-R2 [PDF] Self-Disclosure & Environmental Audit Policy
View the superseded nonrule policy A-002-OE-06-P-R1 [PDF]
02/05/2010 IC 13-11-1
IC 13-11-2-69
IC 13-28-4-7
IC 13-30-3
IC 13-30-4
IC 13-30-7
IC 36-1-2
Office of Program Support
MP-005 [PDF] Compliance and Enforcement Response Policy 10/02/2009 IC 13-30-3-3
IC 13-30-7
IC 13-30-10
IC 13-14-5-3
Office of Legal Counsel
MP-007 [PDF] Implementation of Ground Water Quality Standards 12/08/2008 327 IAC-2-11-2(e) [PDF]
327 IAC-2-11-2(f) [PDF]
327 IAC-2-11-2(g) [PDF]
Office of Water Quality, Drinking Water Branch
MP-008-R [PDF] Applicability of RCRA Corrective Action Laws to Current Owners of Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites 11/13/2015 42 USC 6901 et seq.
42 USC 9601 et seq.
40 CFR 260.1
40 CFR part 261 Appendix VIII
40 CFR Part 264 Appendix IX
54 Fed. Reg. 41000
329 IAC 3.1
IC 13-11-2
IC 13-14-1-11.5
IC 13-14-13
IC 13-25-4
Office of Legal Counsel
MP-009 [ZIP] Inspection Right of Access 12/13/2019 IC 13-14-1-6
IC 13-14-2-2
IC 13-18-3-9
IC 13-20-13-6
IC 13-23-13-12
IC 13-25-4-6
Office of Legal Counsel
Office of Air Quality
ID # Policy Description Effective DateCitationContact
Air-004 [PDF] Asbestos Accreditation/Licensing Review Policy 12/04/1996 IC 13-17-6
326 IAC 14-10 [PDF]
326 IAC 18-1 [PDF]
326 IAC 18-3 [PDF]
Office of Air Quality, Operations Branch
Air-005 [PDF] Guidance on Definition of "Source" for Collocated Activities 02/27/1996 326 IAC 2-7-1 (21) [PDF] Office of Air Quality, Permits Branch
Air-006 [PDF] Title V Permitting Issues: definition of "source" and inclusion of on-site contractors under Title V rules 09/24/1996 326 IAC 2-7-1 (21) [PDF]
326 IAC 2-7-2 [PDF]
Office of Air Quality, Permits Branch
Air-007-R3 [PDF] Guidelines for Submittal and Review of Annual Compliance Certifications under the Federally Enforceable State Operating Permit (FESOP) and Part 70 Permit Programs 12/29/2021 326 IAC 2-7-5
326 IAC 2-7-6(5)(C)
326 IAC 2-8-5(a)(1)(C)
Office of Air Quality, Permits Branch
Air-011 [PDF] Provides schedule of source test fees for source tests submitted for IDEM's approval 04/10/1997 326 IAC 2-1.1-7
326 IAC 2-7-19
326 IAC 2-8-16
Office of Air Quality
Air-013 [PDF] Part 70 Permit Application Requirements - Compliance Certifications and White Paper #1 07/09/1997 326 IAC 2-7-4 [PDF]
316 IAC 2-8-3 [PDF]
Office of Air Quality, Permits Branch
Air-014-R2 [PDF] Approval and Validation of Alternate Emission Factors 05/05/2005 326 IAC 2-6-4(c)(5)(E) Office of Air Quality
Air-017 [PDF] Submission of Annual Non-Methane Organic Compound Reports for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills 04/24/1998 326 IAC 8-8
326 IAC 8-8.1
Office of Air Quality, Compliance and Enforcement Branch
Air-019 [PDF] Current Operating Policy for IDEM-Administered Asbestos Examinations 08/14/1998   Office of Air Quality, Operations Branch
Air-0020-NPD-R1 [PDF] Guidance to predicting high O3 level day for sources subject to 326 I AC 8-13 03/11/2022 326 IAC 8-13 Office of Air Quality,
Air Programs Branch,
Technical Support & Modeling Section
Air-023 [PDF] Phase II Acid Rain Permit 24 Month Application Requirement (326 IAC 21-1-1) 06/30/1999 326 IAC 21-1-1 [PDF] Office of Air Quality, Permits Branch
Air-027 [ZIP] Open Burning of Motor Vehicles for Firefighter Training 05/12/2001 326 IAC 4-1-4.1 Office of Air Quality
Air-029 [PDF] Fugitive Dust from Coal Mines 04/05/2002 326 IAC 6-4 Office of Program Support, Southwest Regional Office
Air-031 [PDF] Guidance for the Interpretation of the Term "Emission Data" 01/02/2004   Office of Air Quality
Air-032 [PDF] Stage II Vapor Recovery for E85 Fuel Blends 07/06/2007 326 IAC 8-4-6(c)(2)(A)(i) Office of Air Quality, Compliance and Enforcement Branch
Air-033 [PDF] Air Permit Applications: Notices of Deficiency and Placing Applications on Hold 10/31/2008 326 IAC 2-7
326 IAC 2-8
Office of Air Quality, Permits Branch
Air-034 [ZIP] Guidelines for Approval and Use of Representative Stack Test Data 02/03/2010 326 IAC 2 Office of Air Quality
Air-035 [ZIP] Permitting Ethanol Production Facilities 03/15/2011 326 IAC 2-2-1
326 IAC 2-3-2
326 IAC 2-7-1
Office of Air Quality, Permits Branch
Air-036 [PDF] Stage II Vapor Recovery System for Gasoline Dispensing Facilities in Clark, Floyd, Lake and Porter Counties, Indiana 04/12/2013 326 IAC 8-4-6(c) Office of Air Quality
Air-038 [PDF] Permitting of Activities Located at Livestock Production Operations including Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations 02/13/2015 326 IAC 2 Office of Air Quality, Compliance and Enforcement Branch
Air-039 [PDF] Permitting of Activities Located at Crop Production Operations 02/13/2015 326 IAC 2 Compliance and Enforcement Branch
Air-040 [ZIP] Revocation of Air Construction and/or Operating Permits 11/10/2017 IC 4-21.5 Office of Air Quality, Permits Branch
Air-042-NPD [PDF] Municipal Solid Waste Landfills and Applicability of 326 IAC 8-8 and 326 IAC 8-8.1 10/14/2022 40 CFR 60, Subpart Cf [PDF]
40 CFR 60, Subpart WWW [PDF]
40 CFR 62, Subpart OOO [PDF]
326 IAC 8-8 [PDF]
326 IAC 8-8.1 [PDF]
326 IAC 2-7 [PDF]
Compliance and Enforcement Branch
Office of Land Quality
ID # Policy Description Effective DateCitationContact
Waste-0001 [PDF] Guidance Interpreting Indiana Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Operational Regulations 11/18/1996 329 IAC 10 [PDF] Office of Land Quality, Solid Waste Permits Section
Waste-0002 [PDF] Guidance Interpreting the $0.50/Ton Solid Waste Management Fee 12/19/1996 IC 13-20-22 Office of Land Quality, Solid Waste Permits Section
Waste-0003 [PDF] Guidance for Statistical Evaluation Plan Preparation and Review 02/06/1997 329 IAC 10-21-6 [PDF]
329 IAC 10-21-8 [PDF]
Office of Land Quality, Permits Branch, Geology Section
Waste-0005 [PDF] Disposal of Empty Containers as Solid Waste 05/09/1997
Revised 02/14/2005
40 CFR 261.31, .32, .33
329 IAC 3.1-6-1(b)
Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0006 [PDF] Waste Status of Chromated Copper Arsenate Treated Wood 05/09/1997
Revised 03/01/2014 
40 CFR 261.4(b)(9)
329 IAC 10-2-179(b)(2) [PDF]
329 IAC 10 [PDF]
Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0007 [PDF] Important Notice Regarding Whole Waste Tire Disposal Ban 05/30/1997 IC 13-20-14 [PDF] Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0008 [PDF] Management of Hazardous Waste Residues Removed from Empty Containers 06/27/1997 40 CFR 261.7(a)(1) Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0011 [PDF] Staging Policy for Permitted Hazardous Waste Management Facilities 06/27/1997 40 CFR 264
40 CFR 270
Office of Land Quality, Hazardous Waste Permits Section
Waste-0015 [PDF] RCRA Closure and Corrective Action Program
RCRA Closure and Corrective Action Program Guide [PDF]
12/09/2022 Risk-based Closure Guide [PDF]
Risk-based Closure Guide NPD [PDF]
Office of Land Quality, Remediation Branch
Waste-0016 [PDF] Container Stacking Policy 10/14/1997
Revised 03/01/2014
329 IAC 3.1  - 10.1 [PDF]
40 CFR 265 31 & 35
40 CFR 265.174
Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0018 [PDF] Hazardous Waste Personnel Training 10/14/1997 329 IAC 3.1-7 & 10 [PDF]
40 CFR 262.34(a)(4)
40 CFR 265.16
Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0019 [PDF] Important Notice Regarding the Yard Waste Disposal Ban 10/22/1997 IC 13-20-9
IC 13-20-10-9
Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0022 [ZIP] Regulatory Analysis: "Closed" Containers 10/14/1997
Revised 03/31/2014
329 IAC 3.1
40 CFR 262.34
40 CFR 265.173(a)
Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0025 [PDF] Guidance on Direct Transfer of Infectious Waste at Non-permitted Transfer Operations 01/20/1998 IC 13-11-2-235
IC 16-41-16-4
410 IAC 1-3-24 [PDF]
Office of Land Quality, Solid Waste Permits Section
Waste-0026 [PDF] Post-Closure Uses of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities 02/25/1998 329 IAC 10-23-3 [PDF] Office of Land Quality, Solid Waste Permits Section
Waste-0027 [PDF] Storage of Type III Foundry Sands Prior To Legitimate Use 04/09/1998 IC 13-19-3-7
329 IAC 10-2 [PDF]
329 IAC 10-90 [PDF]
Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0028 [PDF] Use of Foundry Sands in Accordance with House Enrolled Act 1541 04/22/1998 329 IAC 10-9 [PDF]
IC 13-19-3-7
Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0029 [PDF] Disposal Facility Contingency Plan for Improperly Packaged Asbestos Containing Materials 08/12/1998 329 IAC 10-8.1-12(e)(4)(E) [PDF] Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0030 [PDF] Clarification of "Vault" and "Liner" Definitions 09/23/1998   Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0031 [PDF] Waste Classification of Railroad Ties and Utility Poles 09/23/1998 329 IAC 10 [PDF] Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0033 [PDF] Collecting Static Water Level Measurements and Developing Groundwater Flow Maps 03/25/1999 40 CFR 261.4(b)(9)
329 IAC 10-2 [PDF]
329 IAC 10-2-179(b)(2) [PDF]
329 IAC 10 [PDF]
Office of Land Quality, Permits Branch, Geology Section
Waste-0035 [PDF] Other Material Storage in Permitted Storage Areas 09/21/1999 40 CFR 264.175 Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0036 [PDF] Containment System Guidance for Permitted Container Storage Areas 09/21/1999 329 IAC 3.1-10.1 [PDF]
40 CFR
Office of Land Quality, Engineering Section
Waste-0038 [PDF] Property Containing Contaminated Aquifers/Underground Storage Tanks 04/20/2000 IC 13-23
329 IAC 9 [PDF]
Office of Land Quality, Petroleum Branch
Waste-0040 [PDF] Use of Foundry Sand in Land Application and as a Soil Amendment 04/20/2000 IC 13-11-2-114.2
IC 13-19-3-7
PL 30-1999, SEC.5 (noncode)
Office of Land Quality, Industrial Waste Compliance Section
Waste-0045 [PDF] Regulatory Status of Hazardous Waste Evaporators 11/17/2000 329 IAC 3.1 Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0046-R2 [PDF]

Risk-based Closure Guide [PDF] (formerly known as Remediation Closure Guide)

07/08/2022 IC 13-12-3-2
IC 13-25-5-8.5
Office of Land Quality
Waste-0047 [PDF] Property Containing Contaminated Aquifers 01/30/1997 IC 13-24-1
IC 13-25-4
Office of Land Quality, State Cleanup Section
Waste-0050 [PDF] Equivalent Secondary Containment Devices for Hazardous Waste Tanks Containing Baghouse Dust 06/21/2002 40 CFR 265.193
329 IAC 3.1
Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0051 [PDF] Brownfields Program Comfort and Site Status Letters Policy 04/18/2003 IC 13-23-13
IC 13-24-1
IC 13-25-4
Office of Land Quality, Brownfields Section
Waste-0053-R1 [PDF] Drilling Procedures and Monitoring Well Construction Guidelines 02/20/2024 IC 25-17.6
IC 25-39
312 IAC 12
312 IAC 13
Office of Land Quality, Science Services Branch
Waste-0056 Methane Monitoring Program 03/17/2005 329 IAC 10-20-17 Office of Land Quality, Permits, Geology Section
Waste-0057 Sampling and Analysis of Ground Water for Metals at Remediation Sites 03/17/2005   Office of Land Quality, Science Services Branch
Waste-0058 Use of waste tire chips in on-site sewage systems 11/17/2005 329 IAC 10-3-1 Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0061-R1 [PDF] Contained-in Determination Policy
RISC Screening Table A6 [PDF]
04/10/2015 329 IAC 3.1
329 IAC 10
Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0062 [PDF] Solid Waste Permits and Registrations - Late Renewal Applications Policy 04/14/2014 329 IAC 10
329 IAC 11
329 IAC 11.5
329 IAC 11.6
329 IAC 11.7
329 IAC 15
Office of Land Quality, Solid Waste Permits Section
Waste-0063 [PDF] Excess Liability Trust Fund Reimbursement of Certain Incidental Materials, Supplies and Equipment Costs, Documentation and IDEM Review Procedures 03/15/2014 328 IAC-1 Office of Land Quality, Petroleum Branch
Waste-0064-R1 [PDF] Uncontaminated Soil Policy
RISC Screening Table A6 [PDF]
04/10/2015 329 IAC 3.1
329 IAC 10
Office of Land Quality, Compliance and Response Branch
Waste-0065 [ZIP] Procedures for Gaining Access to Third Party Properties by Responsible Parties Performing Remediation 11/13/2015 IC 13-12-3-2
IC 13-22-3
IC 13-22-13
IC 13-23-13
IC 13-24-1
IC 13-25-4
IC 13-25-5
329 IAC 3.1
329 IAC 4 [PDF]
329 IAC 9 [PDF]
329 IAC 10 [PDF]
Office of Land Quality, Petroleum Branch
Waste-0066 [ZIP] Alternate Water Supply 03/11/2016 40 CFR 300.415(a)(2) and (e)
Appendix D to 40 CFR Part 300
40 CFR 264.100(e)
40 CFR 264.101(c)
IC 13-12-3-2
IC 13-22-13-1
IC 13-23-13-0.2 et seq.
IC 13-24-1-1 et seq.
IC 13-25-4-0.2 et seq.
IC 13-25-5-8.5
312 IAC 13-10 [PDF]
329 IAC 7.1-8-1 [PDF]
329 IAC 9-5-7 [PDF]
329 IAC 10-21-13 [PDF]
329 IAC 10-23-7 [PDF]
329 IAC 10-29-9 [PDF]
329 IAC 10-31-7 [PDF]
329 IAC 10-38-7 [PDF]
329 IAC 11-4-4 [PDF]
Office of Land Quality, Science Services Branch
Waste-0067 [PDF] RCRA Applicability to Baghouse Dust and Dust Collection Storage Tanks 06/13/2016 42 U.S.C. § 6903(5)
40 CFR 60.271(b)
40 CFR 262.11
40 CFR 262.34
40 CFR 265, Subpart J
IC 13-11-2-99
IC 13-11-2-223(a)
329 IAC 3.1
Office of Legal Counsel
Waste-0069 [PDF] Independent Closure Process Guidance 08/08/2020 IC 13-11-2-193.5
IC 13-14-2-6
IC 13-23-13-4
IC 13-23-13-5
IC 13-23-13-8
IC 13-24-1-2(b)
IC 13-24-1-4
329 IAC 7.1
329 IAC 9
Office of Land Quality, Petroleum Branch
Waste-0070-NPD [ZIP] Community Involvement Plan
Community Involvement Plan Attachment (September, 2021) [ZIP]


IC 13-11-2-137
IC 13-11-2-151
IC 13-11-2-184
IC 13-14-1-11.5
IC 13-25-5-7
IC 13-25-5-11
IC 25-39-2-10
329 IAC 9-5-8 [PDF]
329 IAC 7.1-2-11 [PDF]
329 IAC 3.1-13-8-13 [PDF]
Office of Land Quality
Waste-0071-NPD [ZIP] Supplemental Sampling Guidance 12/10/2021 IC 13-25-5-8.5
IC 13-11-2-185
IC 13-11-2-187
IC 13-14-1-11.5
IC 4-22-2
Office of Land Quality
Waste-0072-NPD [ZIP] Supplemental Characterization Guidance 12/10/2021 Federal Register, 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart M, July 27, 2006
Federal Register Vol. 62, No. 29, February 12, 1997
IC 13-25-5-8.5
312 IAC 13
IC 4-22-2
IC 13-14-1-11.5
IC 13-11-2-185
IC 13-11-2-187
Office of Land Quality
Waste-0073-NPD [ZIP] Addressing Methane at Anaerobic Bioremediation Sites 12/10/2021 IC 13-25-5-8.5
329 IAC 10-2-17
IC 13-11-2-185
IC 13-11-2-187
IC 13-14-1-11.5
Office of Land Quality
Waste-0074-NPD [ZIP] Supplemental Guidance on Engineered Exposure Controls 12/10/2021 IC 13-25-5-8.5
329 IAC 10-2-174
IC 13-11-2-185
IC 13-11-2-187
Office of Land Quality
Waste-0075-NPD [PDF] Soil Management Plan 12/09/2022   Office of Land Quality, Remediation Branch
Waste-0076-NPD [PDF] State Cleanup Program
State Cleanup Program Guide [PDF]
12/09/2022   Office of Land Quality, Remediation Branch, Voluntary Remediation Section
Waste-0077-NPD [PDF] Voluntary Remediation Program
Voluntary Remediation Program Guide [PDF] 
12/09/2022 IC 13-25-5-8.5(c) Office of Land Quality, Remediation Branch, Voluntary Remediation Section
Waste-0078-NPD-R1 [PDF] Excess Liability Trust Fund Cost Guidance
Excess Liability Trust Fund Cost Guidance [PDF]
02/26/2022 IC 13-23
IC 13-23-9-1.5
IC 13-25-5-8.5
328 IAC 1-1-8.3
328 IAC 1-3-5
329 IAC 9-5-5.1
329 IAC 9-5-6
Office of Land Quality
Waste-0080-NPD [PDF] Disclosure Statement Requirements for CFO Approval Applications 10/14/2022 IC 4-22-2
IC 13-11-2-8(a)
IC 13-11-2-40
IC 13-11-2-158(b)
IC 13-11-2-191(a)
IC 13-14-1-11.5
IC 13-18-10
IC 13-18-10-1.4
IC 13-18-10-2
IC 13-18-10-2.1
IC 13-30-3
327 IAC 19-8-7 [PDF]
OEA New Fashion Pork decision [PDF]
OEA Milco Dairy decision [PDF]
Office of Land Quality
Waste-0081-NPD [PDF] Institutional Controls Program
Institutional Controls Program Guide [PDF]
12/09/2022 IC 13-22
IC 13-23
IC 13-24
IC 13-25
Office of Land Quality
Waste-0082-NPD [PDF] Petroleum Remediation Program
Petroleum Remediation Program Guide [PDF]
12/09/2022 Risk-based Closure Guide [PDF]
Risk-based Closure Guide NPD [PDF]
Community Involvement Plan [PDF]
Community Involvement Plan NPD [PDF]
Access to Third Party Properties [PDF]
Office of Land Quality, Petroleum Branch, Petroleum Remediation Section
Office of Program Support
ID # Policy Description Effective DateCitationContact
MP-004-R2 [PDF] Self-Disclosure & Environmental Audit Policy
View the superseded nonrule policy A-002-OE-06-P-R1 [PDF]
02/05/2010 IC 13-11-1
IC 13-11-2-69
IC 13-28-4-7
IC 13-30-3
IC 13-30-4
IC 13-30-7
IC 36-1-2
Office of Program Support
Confidentiality and Quality Assurance 02/19/2006 IC 13-28
IC 13-30-6
Office of Program Support
OPS-001-R1 [PDF] Consideration of economic need and displacement of private sector services in source reduction and recycling grants 12/31/1998 IC 13-20-22-2.1 Office of Program Support
Office of Water Quality
ID # Policy Description Effective DateCitationContact
Water-003 [PDF] Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Long-Term Control Plan Use Attainability Analysis Guidance 01/13/2002 327 IAC 2
327 IAC 5
Office of Water Quality
Water-005 Sanitary Sewer Construction Permit Applications For Communities with Combined Sewer Overflow Outfalls 05/09/2003 327 IAC 3-1-1 thru 327 IAC 3-6-32 Office of Water Quality
Water-006 Wetlands Deed Restriction NPD 10/14/2005 IC 13-18-22
327 IAC 17
Office of Water Quality
Water-007 [ZIP] Compliance and Technical Assistance Program Quality Assurance Guarantee 02/19/2006 IC 13-28
IC 13-30-6
Office of Water Quality
Water-008 [PDF] January 1, 2004, Effective Date for Isolated Wetland Determinations 09/08/2006 IC 13-11-2-265
IC 13-18-22-10
327 IAC 17-1-3(1)(A)
327 IAC 17-1-3(1)(B)
327 IAC 17-1-3(7)(A)
327 IAC 17-1-3(7)(B)
327 IAC 17-1-3(7)(C)
327 IAC 17-1-3(7)(D)
327 IAC 17-1-3(7)(H)(i)(CC)
327 IAC 17-1-3(9)(A)(v)
327 IAC 17-1-3(12)(A)
327 IAC 17-1-3(12)(B)
327 IAC 17-4-3(6)(D)
Office of Water Quality
Water-009 [PDF] Determining when Compensatory Mitigation is Complete 09/08/2006 327 IAC 17-1-5
IC 13-18-22-6(b)
Office of Water Quality
Water-010 [PDF] Minimum Success Criteria for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation 09/08/2006 327 IAC 17-1-5
IC 13-18-22-6(b)
Office of Water Quality
Water-011 [PDF] Reasons for Denial of the Issuance of State Regulated Wetland Permits or Sect. 401 Water Quality Certifications 04/13/2007 327 IAC 17-1-8 Office of Water Quality
Water-012 [PDF] Effect of Amendments to Complete Applications on Statutory Review Deadlines 04/13/2007 327 IAC 17-4-6,
IC 13-18-22-8(a)
IC 13-18-23-1
33 USC 1341(a)(1)
Office of Water Quality
Water-014 [ZIP] Application of Existing Use Concept in Conducting Use Attainability Analyses for Long Term Control Plan Communities for Primary Contact Recreational Uses 04/11/2008 40 CFR 131.5, 131.6, and 131.20 Office of Water Quality
Water-015 [PDF] CSO-Related Bypass in Long Term Control Plans (Maximizing Treatment at the Existing POTW Treatment Plant) Public Owned Treatment Works 04/11/2008 40 CFR 122.41(m) Office of Water Quality
Water-016 [ZIP] CSO Treatment Facilities 04/11/2008 U.S. EPA's CSO Policy
Indiana's CSO Policy
Office of Water Quality
Water-017 [PDF] Capacity Analysis Evaluation of Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Communities 03/13/2009 327 IAC 4 Office of Water Quality
Water-019 [PDF] State Total Phosphorus Treatment Standard for 1 MGD or Greater Sanitary Wastewater Dischargers 12/12/2014 327 IAC 5-10-2(a)(2) Office of Water Quality
Water-020 [PDF] Wastewater Operator Certification Allowable Substitutions 01/05/2024 327-IAC-5-23 Office of Water Quality

IDEM Nonrule Policy Documents

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