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Additional Resources

Alternatives to Open Burning
Educational Video
  • IDEM’s open burning video [YouTube] describes Indiana’s open burning regulations, the harmful effects of burning trash or yard waste, and recommended alternatives
Fact Sheets

Available on the IDEM Fact Sheets page:

  • Agricultural Open Burning
  • Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Particulate Matter fact sheets
  • Emergency Burning for Disasters
  • Open Burning Rule - Fire Training
Health Risks and Environmental Impacts
Prescribed Burns
  • National Air Quality Forecast: Guidance for ozone, smoke, and fine particulate matter (NOAA National Weather Service)
  • Fire Weather: Interactive fire weather forecasting maps; predictive services (fuels/fire danger); fire planning forecasts; and fire watches, warnings, and advisories (NOAA National Weather Service)
  • Eastern Area Coordination Center: Logistical and resource support, predictive services, and intelligence for anticipated and ongoing wildland fire activity
Recreational or Ceremonial Fires