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Current Business Opportunities


Thank you for your interest in bid opportunities with the State of Indiana.

It is imperative to review the sourcing documents to adhere to the submission process specific to each event. Timelines remain critical. Each process requires actions to be taken prior to submission that poses potential risk of delay outside the control of the State and of the Respondent. It is STRONGLY recommended to review and complete the necessary action steps a minimum of ten (10) business days before the event due date(s). A missed submission date will result in a submission being declined.

Supplier Portal Submission

  • To access and submit documents, a Bidder registration is required. This includes those wishing to review the event without intention of submitting a response.
  • Create/Verify registration - Bidder Registration Link
  • After completing the registration tasks, the system completes the registration overnight.
  • Registration and/or Updating the required email address used to sign in cannot be done the same day as needing to use the Supplier Portal for document download or submission.
  • Inability to access to the system will not justify a due date extension.

How to Submit a Bid Through the Indiana Supplier Portal

RFI Opportunity from Indiana State Comptroller

Event NameAgencyEvent IDEvent DescriptionResponse Due ByContact
Disaster Recovery Printing Services

Bid Documents - found at bottom of Comptroller web page
Indiana State ComptrollerRFI 25-001

The Indiana State Comptroller seeks proposals for disaster recovery printing and mailing services.

April 4, 2025 at 3:00pm ETBritton Stucker