If you feel that your application was not acted upon in a timely manner, that you have been wrongly denied, or that your benefit amount was calculated incorrectly you may file an appeal.
You must send your appeal to your Local Service Provider within thirty (30) days of receipt of the denial. Your LSP will review your appeal and send you a written response within fourteen (14) calendar days.
If you need assistance with this procedure, please email IHCDA at eap@ihcda.in.gov or call 317-232-7777.
Please do not appeal directly to IHCDA prior to appealing to your Local Service Provider. Appeals that are sent to IHCDA without first being appealed with the LSP will be referred back to the LSP.
Appeals can be emailed to eap@ihcda.in.gov Attn: Appeals
Appeals can be mailed to Attn: Appeals Community Programs Manager - EAP
30 South Meridian St, Suite 900
Indianapolis, IN 46204.
Your appeal rights and right to timely processing of your energy assistance program application
You have the right to request an appeal if your Energy Assistance Program (EAP) application is not acted upon in a timely manner once it has been received by the Local Service Provider (LSP) administering EAP in your area. In order to request an appeal for an EAP application not acted upon in a timely manner, please submit a written request for a review of your case along with all relevant facts to your LSP.
You will receive an official written response to your appeal within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt. The written response will include instructions for a second appeal if you are not satisfied with the response.
Please note that an LSP has 14 days to determine eligibility of an EAP application when an in-person appointment takes place, and 55 days to determine eligibility of an EAP application when the application is delivered by other means, including but not limited to drop-off, mail, fax, e-mail, an electronic portal, or by proxy. When a heating crisis situation exists (defined as when a utility disconnection notice has been received, utility has already been disconnected, propane or fuel oil at or below 25% of a tank, or within 10 days of running out of other bulk deliverable fuel), LSPs must provide a mitigating action within 48 hours. In cases where a life-threatening crisis situation exists (defined as when a utility is already disconnected or bulk fuel heating source is depleted and there is a documented medical need in the household with an extreme safety concern), LSPs must provide a mitigating action within 18 hours. A mitigating action may or may not necessarily include determining eligibility of an EAP application within this time frame.
Please also note that the program officially opens, and the timeline for application approval begins, on November 1st. Therefore, even if you submitted your application early, an LSP has until 55 days from November 1 to determine eligibility on an application if there is no crisis situation present. All other processing timelines will begin no earlier than November 1.
If an EAP application is denied for any reason, you have a right to submit another application, with updated supporting documentation, 55 days after your previous application submission.