Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Short Term Rapid Re-Housing & Homelessness Prevention
The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program provides funding for short-term Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) and Homeless Prevention (HP) efforts to any nonprofit in the State of Indiana. With TANF funds, nonprofits can provide rental and utility assistance to eligible families who are either experiencing homelessness or are at imminent risk of homelessness.
- Program Resources
- Platforms / Links
- HMIS Database
- DV ClientTrack Database
- IHCDAOnline – Claims Submission
- TANF Client File Documentation Forms
- At Risk of Homelessness Documentation Form
- Homeless Documentation Form
- HUD HQS Inspection Checklist
- Income Eligibility Worksheet
- Lead-Based Paint Exemption Form
- Lead-based Paint Disclosure Form
- Request for Unit Approval Form
- Zero Income Affidavit Form
- RAP Contract - Homelessness Prevention
- RAP Contract - Rapid Re-Housing
- Sample Program Agreement for TANF Rapid Re-Housing
- Trainings
- Other Helpful Resources
- Contacts
- TANF Analyst – Laura Drascic
- TANF Program Manager – Jim Flatford
- TANF Compliance Monitor – Wes Bremer
- Grants Team – Community Services
- Eligible Program Participants
Eligible households must meet the following criteria for TANF RRH/HP funding:
- Are U.S. citizens or legal U.S. residents, residing in Indiana AND
- Include parent(s), grandparent(s) or caregiver(s) to a child(ren) under the age of eighteen (18) (under age nineteen (19) if still a full-time student); or include an expectant parent, or be a dependent child in the household of a parent or guardian who meets the criteria AND
- The family’s household income is at or less than 200% of the current federal poverty level (FPL), verified by the most recent thirty (30) days of income; AND
For Rapid Rehousing:
- Are experiencing homelessness; in an emergency shelter or in a place not meant for human habitation (HUD category 1 definition of homelessness);
- Are fleeing/attempting to flee domestic violence, have no other residence, and lacks the resources or support networks to obtain permanent housing (HUD category 4 definition of homelessness)
ORFor Homeless Prevention:
- Are at imminent risk of homelessness; at risk of eviction without resources to obtain ongoing housing (HUD category 2 definition of imminent risk of homelessness)
- Eligible Program Costs
The following are the eligible program components and costs for BOTH short-term Rapid Re-housing and Homeless Prevention services under TANF:
Financial Assistance:
- Security Deposits - TANF funds may pay for a security deposit that is equal to no more than 2 months’ rent.
- Last Month’s Rent - If necessary to obtain housing for a eligible households, the last month’s rent may be paid from TANF funds to the owner of that housing at the time the owner is paid the security deposit. This assistance must not exceed one month’s rent.
- Utility Deposit - TANF funds may pay for a standard utility deposit required by the utility company for all customers for the following utilities: gas, electric, water, and sewage and trash.
- Utility Payments: TANF funds may pay for up to 4 months of utility payments for an eligible household, per service type. Eligible utility services are gas, electric, water, sewage, and trash. Partial payments count as one month.
- Utility Arrears - TANF funds may pay for a one-time payment of utility arrears of any amount per service type. There is no cap on dollar amount or number of months for utility arrear payments.
Rental Assistance:
- Rental Arrears - TANF funds may pay for rental arrears consisting of a one-time payment of any amount, including any late fees on those arrears. There is no cap on dollar amount or number of months for utility arrear payments.
- Rental Payments: TANF funds may pay for up to 4 months of rental payments per eligible household. Pro-rated rent is allowed. Pre-paying future rental payments is not allowed. Mobile home lot rent is allowed.
Financial Services (Direct Expenses)
Include but are not limited to:- Salaries and benefits for staff providing program services to clients
- Case management expenses
- Costs providing screening and assessments
- Development of employment plans, work activities, post-employment services, work supports
- Costs providing diversion benefits
- Costs for contracts of activities (listed above)
- Direct cost of supplies, equipment, travel expenses, postage to mail clients, seminars, classes, group sessions, non-medical counseling, etc. for program
- Utilities, rental, and maintenance costs of office where clients are served
- Direct outreach event to target population
Administration (Indirect Expenses) – 10% of total budget
Include but are not limited to:- Administrative contract costs or indirect overhead costs
- Activities related to eligibility determination
- Salaries for staff performing admin, payroll, and/or accounting functions
- Costs of goods/services required for admin of program (supplies, postage, equipment, etc.)
- Preparation of program plans, budgets, schedules, etc.
- Monitoring of vendors for program
- Services related to accounting, litigation, audits, property management, etc.
- How To Guides