Fraud Alert
A flyer has been circulating on social media advertising assistance with applying for Section 8 funding. The flyer and website ‘www.govassistance[dot]org’ are NOT legitimate. The scam aims to take advantage of unwitting applicants to obtain their personal information and facilitate fraud. An example of the flyer can be found here.
Section 8 Program Descriptions
NOTE: Please click the title for each program below to be directed to a detailed program page
Housing Choice Vouchers
This program provides eligible households vouchers to help pay the rent on privately owned homes of their choosing. A family receiving a voucher must pay at least 30 percent of its monthly adjusted gross income for rent and utilities. The vouchers are generally administered and can be applied for through local (city) housing authorities.
The HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program combines Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VA provides these services for participating Veterans at VA medical centers (VAMCs) and community-based outreach clinics.
If you currently have a Section 8 HCV you can move (also called “port”) to another city or state. You will always want to start by contacting the housing authority that has issued your Housing Choice Voucher.
Other Programs
PBCA - This program provides monthly rental subsidies to select rental complexes statewide. For more information about qualifications, waitlists, and properties, please visit Indiana Housing Now.
Owners and Landlords
If you are interested in accepting Section 8 vouchers at your rental property, please go to for more information on how to qualify.
Report a problem:
Please contact your local provider or sub-contracting agency listed here if there is a problem with your section 8 program. If you are currently experiencing problems with your local provider, please contact IHCDA at 317-232-7777.