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Supportive Housing

IHCDA primarily develops permanent supportive housing (PSH) through the Indiana Supportive Housing Institute.
The Institute is an annual training event hosted by CSH and IHCDA focused on helping supportive housing partners navigate
the complex process of developing very affordable housing with access to supportive services to prevent and end homelessness.
Participation in the Institute is expected to reduce the time it takes to obtain funding for supportive housing by improving the planning and development process.

IHCDA and CSH select teams of developers/owners, property managers, and supportive service providers to participate in the Institute each year through a competitive Request for Proposals process. The Institute provides over 80 hours of targeted training, individualized technical assistance, and the opportunity to apply for predevelopment financing for both new and experienced development teams. Following successful completion of the Institute and receipt of capital resources, teams receive technical assistance and support from IHCDA and CSH for the life of the project.

Previous Institutes

Tenant Selection Plan Templates