Master Resiliency Training Program
The Master Resiliency Training Program is dedicated to the physical, emotional and mental health of our service members and their dependents, and our federal civilian employees. The core program focuses on helping personnel achieve and maintain a state of fitness, rather than addressing issues after they arise. At the heart of the process is Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness (CSF2), a structured, long term assessment and development program to build resilience and enhance performance. Our vision is an Army of balanced, healthy, self-confident soldiers, families and Army civilians whose resilience and total fitness enables them to thrive in an era of high operational tempo and persistent conflict.
Requirements are as follows:
- One Master Resiliency Trainer (MRT) per company and one additional MRT for any detachments to the company.
- Additional Resiliency Trainer Assistant (RTA) per company recommended.
- One MRT at each battalion level and higher highly recommended.
- E6 and above, and E5 with a memo containing an endorsement from the command/authority granting permission to attend the course.
Master Resilience Training Course
Reach out to your RNCO or supervisor if you are interested in attending the Master Resilience Training Course (MRTC) at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin.
The Master Resilience Training Course (MRTC) provides soldiers with an opportunity to enhance their leadership and effectiveness and to learn how to teach resilience skills to soldiers, family members and Department of Army civilians. The 10-day MRTC includes immersion in core concepts and skills as well as instruction for training others. Each day incorporates a mix of large group sessions, small-group work and exercises to do alone or with a partner.
Students learn the six MRT competencies (self-awareness, self-regulation, optimism, mental agility, strengths of character and connection) that have been proved to be critical characteristics of a resilient individual.
MRTC students also learn 14 distinct skills that allow them to develop themselves and others in the six MRT competency areas: self-awareness, self-regulation, optimism, mental agility, strengths of character and connection. With these skills, students develop the ability to understand their thoughts, emotions and behaviors, as well as the thoughts, emotions and behaviors of others. They master skills to strengthen relationships through communication strategies and learn how to praise effectively, to respond constructively to positive experiences and to discuss problems effectively.
- Nominees must have more than 12 months remaining in their position (24 for Department of the Army civilians).
- Enlisted soldiers must be in grades E-6 through E-8; qualified E-5s may submit an exception-to-policy request.
- Officers must be in grades O-1 through O-4.
- Warrant officers must be in grades WO-1 through CW-4.
- DA civilians must be in grades GS-7 through GS-13.
- Nominees must have a valid Army Physical Fitness Test score.
- Active component for six months
- Army National Guard/Reserve for one year
- Not required for DA civilians or spouses - Nominees must have excellent communication and presentation skills.
Upon completing the course, MRT graduates are expected to:
- Be the commander’s principal adviser on resilience.
- Provide and sustain resilience training for the unit.
- Assist the unit training NCO in incorporating resilience training quarterly.
- Ensure the implementation of the commander’s training guidance as it relates to resilience training.
- Provide resilience training for family members and Department of the Army civilians.
- Coordinate deployment-cycle resilience training.
- Train supervisory-level leaders to incorporate resilience skills and techniques into professional and developmental counseling.
Resilience Spotlights (PDFs)
- What is Resilience?
- Goal Setting
- Hunt the Good Stuff
- ATC Self-Awareness Tool
- Energy Management
- Avoid Thinking Traps
- Detect Icebergs
- Problem Solving
- Put it in Perspective
- Real-Time Resilience
- Character Strengths
- Assertive Communication
- Effective Praise and Active Constructive Responding
Thank you to the Wisconsin National Guard for these spotlight materials.
Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness
The U.S. Army established comprehensive soldier fitness in 2008 to address the challenges many were facing due to multiple deployments. The goal was to provide preventative measures that would mitigate issues that would commonly arise during combat, and to give soldiers the life skills they would need to better cope with adversity and bounce back stronger from challenges. In 2012, the program expanded to include families of soldiers and federal civilian employees working for the U.S. Army.
Performing and excelling in physical activities that require aerobic fitness, endurance, strength, healthy body composition and flexibility derived through exercise, nutrition and training.
Developing and maintaining trusted, valued relationships and friendships that are personally fulfilling and foster good communication including a comfortable exchange of ideas, views, and experiences.
Approaching life’s challenges in a positive, optimistic way by demonstrating self-control, stamina and good character with your choices and actions.
Being part of a family unit that is safe, supportive and loving, and provides the resources needed for all members to live in a healthy and secure environment.
Strengthening a set of beliefs, principles or values that sustain a person beyond family, institutional, and societal sources of strength.
Understanding what financial peace of mind means for you can help you more clearly communicate with your spouse or partner, educate your children, and make choices that are in line with your financial goals.
State Resilience Coordinator