Domestic Violence Response Program
As Guardsmen, we must all be ready to do our part when we hear, see or think someone is being abused.
What's Inside Matters
Whether the hurt you’re feeling in your relationship is emotional or physical, you are not alone.
Take A Pause
Learn to recognize our own role in an unhealthy relationship and stop harmful behaviors before they start.
Learn More About Domestic Violence and Abuse
In the diagram, the Power and Control Wheel assumes the victim is female and the perpetrator is male, but the abusive behavior it details can happen to people of any sex. The wheel serves as a diagram of tactics that an abusive partner uses to keep their victims in a relationship. The inside of the wheel is made up of subtle, continual behaviors over time, while the outer ring represents physical and sexual violence. Abusive actions like those depicted in the outer ring often reinforce the regular use of other, more subtle methods found in the inner ring.
Photo Credit: Copyright by the Domestic Violence Intervention Project -202 East Superior Street, Duluth, MN, 55802 -218-722-2781
Resource Links
There are some signs that may help you better recognize abusive behavior patterns. If you are concerned that you might be engaging in abusive behavior, ask yourself the following questions:
- Did your partner already tell you that you are abusive?
- Is your spouse afraid of you?
- Have you ever threatened to kill your spouse?
- Do you believe that your way is the only way?
- Have you ever hit, slapped, pushed, pulled hair, or choked your spouse?
- Do you often feel jealous?
- Do you believe you have the right to know what your spouse is doing and where your spouse is all the time?
- Do you call or text your spouse incessantly when they are out without you?
- Do you think of yourself as in charge?
- Do you enjoy seeing your spouse in pain, crying, or hurt?
- Do you believe your spouse deserves to be hit or yelled at or punished?
- Do you believe your spouse 'asked for it'?
- Do you break or destroy your spouse's belongings on purpose?
- Have you ever been arrested for violent behavior?
- Do others tell you that you have an anger problem?
- Do others tell you that you seem paranoid?
- Are you afraid of asking for help because you might lose everything important to you?
- Has your spouse ever tried to leave you?
- Do you think about "getting even" with your spouse?
- Do you twist things around, lie, or exaggerate to make your partner doubt themself and their sense of reality?
Resource Links
Phases of Domestic Violence
- Tension-building
- Incident — often a physical altercation
- Reconciliation
- Calm
The Equality Wheel represents how to attain the goal of a fair, healthy, equal, abuse and violence-free relationship. The indicators of an equal relationship are:
- Non-Threatening Behavior
- Respect
- Trust and Support
- Honesty and Accountability
- Responsible Parenting
- Shared Responsibility
- Economic Partnership
- Negotiation and Fairness
Photo Credit: Copyright by the Domestic Violence Intervention Project -202 East Superior Street, Duluth, MN, 55802 -218-722-2781 - website
Resource Links
If you are the victim of domestic or sexual violence, or if you believe you or your children are in danger of being harmed by someone in your life, there is help for you. In many situations a protection order can be a useful tool. The Indiana Self-Service Legal Center provides information and resources to help you get that protection order.
Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence:
Hotline: 1-800-332-7385
Legal Resources (
Housing Assistance: Safe Path Home (
Legal Housing Hotline: Call or text: 317-762-5115. Calls are returned within 24 business hours.
Indiana 211:
Phone: Dial 2-1-1 or 1-866-211-9966 (available 24/7)
Text: your ZIP code to 898-211
Web: Indiana 211 (
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI):
Victim Services (
Centers for Disease Control (CDC):
Prevent Domestic Violence in Your Community (
Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Violence, and Stalking Among Men (
Domestic Violence Network:
Resources (
Beacon of Hope Crisis Center:
Foster Pet Program (
Crisis Call Line: 317-731-6140 - advocates available from 8:30 am. to 1:00 a.m.
Firefly Children and Family Alliance:
Web: Domestic Violence Services | Programs and Services (
Indiana Legal Help:
Indiana Legal Services:
Indiana Domestic Violence Laws:
Web: FindLaw - Indiana DV Laws (
* Most prosecutors offices and police departments have a victim advocate.
Indiana Army National Guard Soldier and Family Readiness Specialist:
Soldier and Family Readiness Center
122nd Fighter Wing
Airman and Family Readiness
Phone: 260-478-3409
Web: Airman and Family Readiness
181st Intelligence Wing
Web: Airman & Family Readiness
Reporting Domestic Violence to the Indiana National Guard
If you think you may be experiencing domestic abuse, we are here to help you make a restricted or unrestricted report – it is up to you to decide. You may use any of the reporting resources listed below.
If you are reporting domestic violence with a sexual assault component, please contact the Indiana National Guard Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program (SAPR) 24/7-monitored number at 317-247-3172, in order to maintain confidentiality while determining what resource is best for you.
- Lead Soldier and Family Readiness Specialist
Phone: 1-800-237-2850, Ext. 72694
Web: Soldier and Family Readiness Center - Army National Guard
Director of Psychological Health: 317-741-5132
Chaplain 317-247-3300, Ext. 73466 or 63005 - 122nd Fighter Wing
Director of Psychological Health: 260-478-3733
Chaplain: 260-478-3315 - 181st Intelligence Wing
Director of Psychological Health, 812-877-5726
Chaplain: 816-887-5192 - Military One Source
Obtain counseling, referrals or resources
Phone: 1-800-342-9647
Web: Report Domestic Violence in the Military | Military OneSource
The incident is reported to command authorities and law enforcement to initiate an official investigation process.
The incident is reported without initiating notification to the victim’s or alleged abuser’s commander or supervisor. Resources are provided, but no personal information is released about the incident. If there is imminent threat of harm, a restricted report is not suitable.
To connect with a Domestic Violence Victim Advocate in your area you can contact the numbers below which are answered confidentially by a live person 24/7/365.
- Indiana 211: Dial 2-1-1 or 866-211-9966 (available 24/7)
Text your ZIP code to 898-211 (available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Indiana 211 ( - Indiana Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-332-7385 (available 24/7)
Find Help | Domestic Violence Programs – ICADV ( - National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233 (SAFE)
TTY 800-787-3224
The Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence will help you find resources and services that work best for you and your family and help you move from surviving to thriving. The programs serve all survivors of domestic violence, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Domestic violence is a crime that harms individuals, ruins families, weakens communities, undermines readiness, and is contrary to the institutional values of the Indiana National Guard.
The INNG is working to emphasize and encourage help-seeking behaviors among service members and their families. It is crucial that leaders, fellow service members, family members and Indiana National Guard personnel understand and recognize the warning signs of domestic violence so that appropriate intervention can take place, and distressed personnel are referred to the appropriate resources.
Contact Us
211 Indiana
Indiana 211 is a free service that connects Hoosiers with help and answers from thousands of health and human service agencies and resources right in their local communities - quickly, easily, and confidentially.
Phone (available 24/7):
Dial 2-1-1 or 1-866-211-9966
Text (Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-5 p.m.):
text your ZIP Code to 898-211
Indiana Domestic Violence Hotline
Hotline: 1-800-332-7385
Find Help | Domestic Violence Programs – ICADV (
Indiana National Guard Resources
Indiana Army National Guard
Behavioral Health Resource Line
317-247-3300, Ext. 73466 or 63005
Indiana Air National Guard
181st Intelligence Wing:
DPH: 812-877-5726
Chaplain: 812-877-5192
122nd Fighter Wing:
DPH: 260-478-3733
Chaplain: 260-478-3315
Soldier & Family Readiness Lead
1-800-237-2850, Ext.72694