Common Access Cards (CACs) and Next Generation Uniformed Services ID (USID) Cards are controlled items that are used as the standard identification for service members and civilians. Depending on eligibility and need, they can provide access to buildings, computer networks, service benefits and privileges. Visiting your DEERS office to obtain a CAC or USID will go faster and smoother if you prepare in advance for your visit. Use the checklists, links and relevant information below to make the most out of your DEERS visit.
- What Does DEERS Stand For?
DEERS – Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
- Acceptable Forms of ID
When Visiting DEERS, Bring TWO Acceptable Forms of Unexpired Identification
- One of the forms of ID must have a photographic picture of yourself.
- Forms must be paper/hard documents. NO DIGITAL FORMS can be used as proof.
- No printer is available on-site, so all forms need to be printed before arrival.
ACCEPTABLE forms of valid, unexpired identification include:
- Common Access Card (CAC)
- Driver’s License from Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV)
- Government issued ID with your photograph
- Gun Permit (with face picture)
- Passport
- Social Security Card
- State ID Card from Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV)
The following are NOT ACCEPTABLE forms of identification:
- Credit Cards
- Medical Cards
- Pieces of mail, bills/invoices, etc.
- School Identification Cards
Updated Rank/Extension
If you are coming in because you have been promoted and want to update your rank, please bring promotion orders with you. If it has been less than 3 months since you extended, also bring in extension orders.
- Next Generation Uniformed Services ID Card
In 2020, the Department of Defense transitioned from its legacy paper-based Uniformed Services Identification (USID) card to a more secure, plastic cardstock, “Next Generation USID card.”
USID cards are issued to retired and reserve members, dependent family members of uniformed Service members, and other eligible individuals in accordance with DOD policy to facilitate access to benefits, privileges, and DOD bases. The Next Generation USID card does not change the populations who are eligible to receive the current card.
Legacy USID cards remain valid through their expiration date, however, individuals with an indefinite (INDEF) expiration date on their legacy USID card may replace those ID cards with a Next Generation USID card. Please see our online USID card renewal page for more information and to renew online.
Full-time College Students Obtaining USID If you are a 21-22 year-old dependent, you MUST present a letter from the school's registrar (Also known as the Enrollment Verification Letter) stating currently enrolled, full time in an accredited college in pursuit of an associate degree or higher. Letter should also contain expected graduation date to ensure expiration date on ID is pushed out to its furthest possible date. Sponsors must also certify on the DD Form 1172-2 if they provide over 50 percent support to the child.
Retirees Obtaining USID
Required documents include: Retirement Orders, 20-Year Letter, NGB 22, or Medical Release orders. Plus, TWO forms of ID. - DEERS Eligibility Documents Checklist
- Marriage License
- Driver’s License or State ID Card from Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV)*
- Social Security Card
- Birth Certificate or Certificate of Live Birth (if waiting on Birth Certificate)
- Divorce Decree with judge’s signature
- Other Court Documents (Examples: Adoption / 50% Support / Ward of the State)
- Passport
- Permanent Residence Card, “Green Card” issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
- DD 214 - Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty
- Military Retirement Order
- 100% Disabled Veteran Award Letter
- Full-Time College Student Letter (Ages 21-23, from Bursar’s Office stating full-time status and graduation date)
* For Dependent ID Cards, applicants 18 and older need a Photo ID and Birth Certificate or Social Security Card. Children under the age of 18 need only a Birth Certificate and Social Security Card.
Source: Department of the Army, NGIN-PEA-P, 317-964-7183
- Proof of Identity
Department of Defense DEERS Enrollment and ID Card Issuance below provides comprehensive information regarding eligibility documents needed to secure ID cards based on status (current, retired or former service member, family member, disabled veteran, etc.). The document also contains a checklist for DEERS enrollment/update and initial ID Card issuance or renewal/reissuance.
- Lost or Stolen CAC
Required documents for a lost or stolen Common Access Card (CAC) include:
- Police/theft report, memo, or Developmental Counseling Form (DD Form 4856)
- TWO Acceptable forms of unexpired identification (see above)
- One of the forms of ID that you use must be a photograph ID.
- Adding a Dependent or Spouse
- If the dependent is a child, you will need a birth certificate, adoption papers and social security card. If 18 or older, they will also need one form of unexpired ID containing a photograph.
- The Army does not require a favorable dependency determination letter; however, other branches of the military do require it.
- The cut-off age for children to receive an ID is 21 (if they are not a fulltime student) and 23 in they are not incapacitated.
- Full-time college/university students age 21-23 must provide DEERS with a letter from the school that states their name, that they are a full-time student (12 hours does not equal full-time), and expected graduation date.
- If you wish for your dependent to obtain a USID, please print DD FORM 1172-2 , have the signature of the servicemember on this paperwork and have the form notarized at the time of your arrival at the DEERS office.
- If you have a Common Access Card (CAC), you can initiate the ID card issuance process online, including verifying a family member's relationship and eligibility by digitally signing the DD Form 1172-2 after logging in to the ID Card Office Online (IDCO) application with your CAC.
- When adding stepchildren, the marriage certificate is needed.
DD Form 1172-2 is also needed for adding a spouse, in addition to your marriage certificate, spouse's Social Security Number and a photographic ID.
Servicemember is not needed to be present if:
- All documentation is correct along with the servicemembers DODID.
- DD FORM 1172-2 has the signature of the servicemember on paperwork at time of arrival plus two acceptable forms of unexpired ID with one form containing a photograph.
- Disabled American Veterans
If you are coming to obtain a one hundred percent DAV ID for the first time, you will need your VA rating letter (VA Commissary Letter must be showing 100 percent disability rate). The letter cannot be a summary of benefits, the letter must state "we are giving you this certificate so you may receive commissary store and exchange privileges from the Armed Forces") displaying proof that you are now at one hundred percent, permanent and total, as well as an effective date. You must also bring your DD 214 or National Guard Report of Separation and Record of Service, (NGB 22) along with TWO acceptable forms of unexpired ID.
- TRICARE Guidance for Ages 65+
In order to transfer from TRICARE to TRICARE for LIFE, you must purchase Medicare Part B. By law, Medicare Part B is not required, however, TRICARE will drop your coverage if it is not purchased by age 65. You are eligible to apply for Medicare Part B at your local Social Security Office up to three months before your 65th birthday.
- TRICARE Guidance for Full-Time Students Age 21+
Children may stay on TRICARE until the day before their 23rd birthday. At that time, the SPONSOR must purchase TRICARE YOUNG ADULT. The SPONSOR must provide the DEERS representative with a letter from the child's school registrar:
The school registrar's letter must:
- Be on the school's letterhead
- Contain the student's full name
- State in writing that the student is full-time
- Contain the student's expected graduation date
Do you need additional help?
Check out the Indiana DEERS Map above. To request military records/DD 214, and for additional assistance, please see the links below. Indiana National Guard's "Mission First, People Always" means doing everything we can to improve DEERS customer service by pointing you in the best direction to take care of life's tasks.