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Soldier and Family Readiness Center

Your First Stop

Indiana National Guard Soldier & Family Readiness Center The Indiana Army National Guard’s Soldier and Family Readiness Center provides support to service members, veterans and their families for a full range of situations and incidences that might hamper the mission, their quality of life or their overall wellbeing.

We act as a one-stop shop for our Guard members who are seeking current and accurate information to help navigate local services and programs. This is offered irrespective of the service member’s marital or duty status whether they are single, married or with dependents – active guard reserve, or traditional Soldiers. We also provide training and counsel to our commanders towards oversight of their Family Readiness Programs and volunteers.

With 16 locations across the state of Indiana, our goal is to become a trusted source to quell issues, concerns or answer questions for our troops. We are the state of Indiana’s ‘Resource of Resources’.

What We Do

  • The one-stop shop our people should turn to for advice and assistance.
  • Established in times of normal operations, contingency call-ups, mobilizations and large-scale deployment.
  • Simplify the process of accessing needed services, assistance and support.
  • Fill the void for soldiers and families, regardless of status, service component or geographical location away from a military installation.
  • The hub to connect soldiers and families with the rest of their communities.
  • Provide unit commanders and their representatives with trained and equipped soldier and civilian volunteers who are prepared to lead and facilitate Soldier and Family Readiness Groups.
  • Ensure that our soldiers and families are postured with programs that enhance and benefit their quality of life, resiliency and readiness.

Services, Resources and Referrals

Download our Brochure (PDF)

Find Your Readiness Center


Due to maintenance, some armory phone numbers in the grid below may not be working properly. Please call the phone numbers below with inquiries about the Soldier and Family Readiness Center.

North Region -  317-650-1334

South Region - 520-713-6895

Contact Us


Indiana Family Program Office
711 North Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204


Toll Free: 1-800-237-2850, Ext. 72694

Cell Phone: 317-650-1334

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