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Become a Provider

Why the IHCP Needs You

By becoming an Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) provider, you have the opportunity to improve the health and well-being of more Hoosiers, including the state’s most vulnerable populations. Through programs such as Traditional Medicaid, the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP), Hoosier Healthwise, Hoosier Care Connect and Indiana PathWays for Aging (PathWays), the IHCP performs a vital public service, helping about one in seven Hoosiers stay healthy or start down the road to better health. The IHCP provides pregnant women and their babies with critical prenatal care and continued care for children throughout their developmental years. The IHCP also provides critical health coverage for low-income individuals of all ages, including the elderly and those with disabilities.

To achieve these goals, the IHCP relies on the participation of providers from a variety of specialties across the state. Depending on where you practice, your participation in the IHCP may be especially critical – see Locations in Need of Providers on this website.

How Providers Enroll With the IHCP

The IHCP Provider Enrollment Transactions page offers information about the current provider enrollment process, including links to a number of webpages with detailed information helpful to providers interested in serving IHCP members.

The IHCP enrollment webinar, Ways to avoid common mistakes during the enrollment process, is another resource and covers important details for enrolling as an IHCP provider.

Key Provider Benefits

As an IHCP provider, you can:

  • Increase the number of clients you have or your panel size
  • Have full control of the number of IHCP patients you see
  • Improve the health of low-income children and families

You and your billing staff will:

  • Have access to fast and accurate claim processing
  • Receive personalized training for billing practices and help submitting claims
  • Have access to the IHCP Provider Healthcare Portal for online provider enrollment, claim submission and tracking, and more
  • Have access to online and interactive voice response systems to address claim-related inquiries
  • Have access to the IHCP customer assistance call center, getting one-on-one answers to questions and concerns 10 hours a day, five days a week

Provider News & Events

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