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The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) uses webinars to help providers learn about new policy initiatives and billing guidance. All webinars are accessible through this webpage. The webinar presentations are hosted by staff members of the Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP). Near the conclusion of each live presentation, providers have an opportunity to ask questions and offer feedback.

Upcoming live webinars will be announced in IHCP Bulletins and news announcements and through provider associations. Recordings of past webinars are also accessible from this page.

Upcoming Webinars (Live Presentations)

Links to upcoming live-streaming webinars will be added here as they are announced.

Past Webinars (Recorded Presentations)

Links to recorded presentations from past webinars are added as they become available (for EVV-related webinars, see the Electronic Visit Verification page):

Instructions for Accessing the Webinars

To access the webinars (both live-streamed and recorded, past presentations), installation of the Microsoft Teams desktop application is recommended. When logging in to a webinar for the first time, the user will be prompted to download the free application.Prior to the webinar, the user can go to the Download Microsoft Teams webpage to download the desktop and/or mobile application.Audio is voice-over-internet, so speakers or a headset will be required to hear the presentation. Alternatively, attendees can join by calling in (audio only). More ways to join are available for each webinar in the news announcements. Live webinars with Q&A participation will use text-based chat boxes.

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