MPH supports analytic work in the substance use space through leadership of the Data-Driven Addiction, Prevention and Recovery (DDAPR) project and partnerships with state agencies and researchers with the goal of leveraging data to deepen understanding, inform policy, and enable data-informed decision-making.
Relevant Datasets
EMS Datasets
This ImageTrend dataset contains information on emergency medical service (EMS) runs in Indiana, including data on the date the EMS run occurred, medication provided, and geographic information on where the incident took place.
Indiana Arrest Data
This dataset is the underlying data of the Indiana Arrests Dashboard which displays counts of individuals arrested, arrests, charges by offense category, dispositions, country and time period in Indiana beginning in 2008 through the present year.
Fatal Overdose Touchpoints: Recency and Reach
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The underlying data for the Fatal Drug Overdose Touchpoints Dashboard. This data includes metrics on recency and reach of a touchpoint in relation to a fatal overdose, viewable by County.
Fatal Overdose Touchpoints: Prevalence, Frequency, and Recency
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View the DashboardFatal Overdose Touchpoints: Prevalence, Frequency, and Recency
The underlying data for the Fatal Drug Overdose Touchpoints Dashboard. This data includes metrics on prevalence, frequency, and recency of a touchpoint in relation to a fatal overdose, viewable by County.
Drug Submissions to Indiana State Laboratories
Open the dashboard by clicking the button below
View the DashboardDrug Submissions to Indiana State Laboratories
This dataset contains information on specific drugs that were submitted for analysis to Indiana State Police and Marion County Laboratories from 2007-2017.
Mental Health Related EMS and ED Events by County
Open the dashboard by clicking the button below
View the DashboardMental Health Related EMS and ED Events by County
This dataset contains the underlying data for the public-facing 'Mental Health Related EMS and ED Events' dashboard.
Mental Health Related EMS and ED Events by District:
Open the dashboard by clicking the button below
View the DashboardMental Health Related EMS and ED Events by District
This dataset contains the underlying data for the public-facing 'Mental Health Related EMS and ED Events' dashboard.
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
The Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (PLA) partnered with MPH to create a visualization for Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) data that provides insight on prescriptions of controlled substances.
Naloxone Heat Map
This tool provides insight into the incident location where naloxone was administered and reported by EMS providers throughout the state of Indiana.
Next Level Recovery Data
Check out data dashboards and more through Governor Holcomb's Next Level Recovery website to see all the impactful work being done to end this epidemic.
Regional Judicial Opioid Initiative
MPH’s involvement in the Regional Judicial Opioid Initiative (RJOI) is comprised of Supreme Court Chief Justices from eight states charged with creating a strategic action plan to combat the opioid epidemic at a regional level.
Fatal Drug Overdose Touchpoints
The dashboard below displays touchpoints, as captured through state administrative datasets, that an individual experienced prior to a fatal overdose. The touchpoints are displayed by prevalence, frequency, and recency as rates and percentages, beginning in 2015.
DataDriven Addiction, Prevention, and Recovery (DDAPR)
The Data-Driven Addiction, Prevention, and Recovery (DDAPR) Project, launched in 2017, unites multiple Indiana state agencies to analyze and visualize substance use data, empowering decision-makers and guiding impactful actions for addiction prevention and recovery.