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Data-Driven Addiction, Prevention, and Recovery (DDAPR) Project

About the DDAPR Project

The Data-Driven Addiction, Prevention, and Recovery (DDAPR) Project is a result of an initiative that started in 2017 with the formation of the Drug Prevention, Treatment and Enforcement Office and a Drug Data Working Group comprised of state partners.

DDAPR continues as a multi-agency collaboration between the Governor’s Drug Prevention, Treatment, and Enforcement Office, the Indiana Department of Health, the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, the Indiana Department of Professional Licensing, the Indiana Department of Correction, the Indiana Department of Family and Social Services including the Division of Mental Health and Addiction, the Department of Child Services, and the Indiana State Police, led by the Indiana Management Performance Hub. The project is aimed at exploring, analyzing, and visualizing key use cases and data questions as it pertains to substance use and abuse with the goals of:

  • Deepening the foundational understanding of substance use and abuse through Indiana to guide future work toward actions that will create the most impact.
  • Empowering decision makers to act confidently with data-supported projections.
  • Enabling the state to pivot and adjust quickly by identifying and measuring leading indicators of success, and monitoring progress in an ongoing fashion.

The project is currently funded by the Indiana Family and Social Services Association through the Federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

DDAPR Use Cases

Opioid Prescriptions by Prescribing Provider

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Opioid Prescriptions by Prescribing Provider

This visualization provides an overview of opioid prescriptions prescribed from 2005 to 2021. The data can be viewed by the number of days supply prescribed, refills written, and total prescriptions filled, all by provider specialty type. The dashboard also displays metrics on data availability and total prescription counts by year. Additional information surrounding the data can be found in the Methodology section.


EMS Datasets

All EMS runs across the state from 2014 – 2022.
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Naloxone Administration Heatmap

An overview of Naloxone administration by EMS across the state. Near real-time. Shows the ‘Last 30 Days,’ ‘Year to Date,’ and previous years of data.
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IDOH Overdose Dashboard

Featuring information on drug overdose injuries, opioid prescriptions, and prevention efforts in Indiana, this dashboard represents the most up to date data that IDOH has available and is updated shortly after new data is made available.
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Next Level Recovery Dashboard

Contains four shared tabs with the IDOH Overdose Dashboard, but this dashboard also contains drug-related arrest and re-arrest data, along with Naloxone data.
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Regional Judicial Opioid Initiative Dashboard

This data visualization illustrates sociodemographic and economic indicators, drug overdose death rates, buprenorphine prescribers and prescription drug monitoring program statistics at the county level.
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Indiana PDMP Dashboard

This dashboard displays prescription data across the state, displayed by patient County, Practitioner County, Pharmacy County, drug class, drug, dispensations, prescriptions, payment type, gender, and age.
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Fatal Drug Overdose Touchpoints

he dashboard displays touchpoints, as captured through state administrative datasets, that an individual experienced prior to a fatal overdose. The touchpoints are displayed by prevalence, frequency, and recency as rates and percentages.

Mental Health Related Events Dashboard

This dashboard tracks mental health-related events as captured in emergency medical services (EMS) and emergency department (ED) data.
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Indiana 211

Hoosiers across Indiana can find the local resources they need - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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Next Level Recovery Know The Facts

Know the Facts is an initiative of Indiana FSSA’s Division of Mental Health and Addiction, funded by the State Opioid Response grant and supported by the Governor’s Office for Drug Prevention, Treatment and Enforcement.
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Next Level Recovery Home

This links to the Next Level Recovery main page which features resources for prescribers, emergency personnel, community leaders, and persons with substance use disorder and their families.
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State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup

The SEOW collects, analyzes and reports on the epidemiological data regarding substance use and abuse in Indiana, and develops data-based recommendations on prevention priorities for the state
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