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Welcome to the Town of Jamestown

421 E Main St | (765) 676-6331

Contact Us

The Jamestown Municipal Building is now open for regular business from 8:30 AM to 5 PM, and all town board and commission meetings will be held in the Municipal Building Council Chambers. The public will still have the option to participate in all public meetings via Zoom.

The town of Jamestown is a small community located in Boone County in Central Indiana. Although the town may be considered small compared to other neighboring communities, we have several undeveloped acres close to Interstate 74 and a newer subdivision with lots currently available.

Founded in 1830, the Jamestown heritage is rooted in vision, citizen involvement, commitment, and generosity.

Please take a few moments to browse our site and learn more about the community of Jamestown.

Jamestown Calendar of Events

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