The Jamestown Plan Commission is the Town’s land use and development advisory commission. The Plan Commission is comprised of 7 residents appointed to 4-year terms by the Town Council.
The duties and powers of the Plan Commission are defined in Indiana Code 36-7-4, Local Planning and Zoning.
Duties include:
Make recommendations to the legislative body or bodies concerning the adoption of the comprehensive plan and amendments to the comprehensive plan; the adoption or text amendment of an initial zoning ordinance, a replacement zoning ordinance, and a subdivision control ordinance; the adoption or amendment of a PUD district ordinance; and zone map changes
Render decisions concerning and approve plats, re-plats, and amendments to plats of subdivisions and development plan review and approval.
All documents and communications for the Jamestown Plan Commission members should be sent to the Clerk-Treasurer @ to comply with receipt and notification requirements.
The Jamestown Plan Commission meets on the first Thursday of each month @ 6:30 PM or directly following the BZA meeting (whichever is sooner).