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Redevelopment Commission

The Jamestown Redevelopment Commission (RDC) is the fiduciary body for the tax increment collected in designated Economic Development Areas/Tax Increment Allocation Areas (TIF).   The Jamestown RDC is responsible for developing plans and managing tools used to address conditions of blight (redevelopment areas) and underutilized land of economic significance (economic development areas). The work of the redevelopment commission typically involves identifying blighted areas, designating redevelopment areas, developing plans to eliminate blight, and working in partnership with private developers to generate new economic development with an increased tax base and new jobs. The guidelines for establishing a redevelopment commission are in Indiana Code 36-7-14.

All documents and communications for the Jamestown Redevelopment Commission members should be sent to the Clerk-Treasurer @ to comply with receipt and notification requirements.

The Jamestown RDC meets on the second Thursday of each month @ 6:30 PM in the Jamestown Municipal Building unless designated otherwise by the commission.

Redevelopment Commission Meeting Agendas

Redevelopment Commission Meeting Agendas

2023 Redevelopment Commission Members

Les Hawkins

Kaitie Duncan

Tina Pennington

Shane Childress

Jennifer McCarter-Fultz