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Brookville Lake

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 100
Brookville, IN 47012

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Mapping Address for Quakertown:
3323 W. Dunlapsville Road
Liberty, IN 47353

Mapping Address for Mounds SRA:
14108 SR 101
Brookville, IN 47012

  • Description

    Mounds SRA and Quakertown SRA
    16,445 acres - 5,260-acre lake

    A part of the Brookville Lake -Whitewater Memorial State Park Complex, Brookville Reservoir lies in the historic east fork of the Whitewater River Valley. Traces of prehistoric Native American mounds are still found throughout this valley. The area is known by some worldwide for its significant deposit of Ordovician fossils. These 450-million-year-old fossils, reminders of a primeval inland sea, can still be seen.

    Brookville Lake is home to two State Recreation Areas: Mounds SRA (not to be confused with Mounds State Park in Anderson) and Quakertown SRA.

    The lake property has more than 25 miles of hiking trails, boating opportunities, and nationally known recreational and sport fishing. Two beaches and more than 400 campsites make this an ideal family vacation spot.

    Open April-August, Thursday-Sunday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Quakertown State Recreation area has a 3D archery range with 23 different 3D targets, and we are in the process of acquiring more. The archery range can be found next to the camp gate at Quakertown SRA. Open to all ages. The course will be changed every week. Targets included range from small (javelina) to large (elk) and everything in between.

    The area was purchased by the federal government for flood control and to provide a place for wildlife and recreation. More than 11,000 acres provide a variety of habitats for plants and wildlife. Brookville is one of the few sites in Indiana where walleye grow big enough for fisheries biologists to milk the females for eggs to supply walleye fry to many lakes in Indiana.

    Brookville and Whitewater Interpretive Plan

    Water safety matters! If you use one of our big reservoirs for swimming, fishing, boating, or skiing, check out Bobber the Water Dog, brought to you by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

    This property is a stop on the
    Indiana Birding Trail Logo
    Learn more at

Directions for Mounds State Recreation Area

Directions for Quakertown State Recreation Area

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