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Miscellaneous Fees



Reservation phone numbers:

Camping, cabins, shelters, group camps: 1-866-622-6746.
State Park Inns and Brown County State Park cabins: 1-877-563-4371.

Miscellaneous Fees


(except Prophetstown & O’Bannon Woods State Parks and all inns/lodges indoor pools)

  • Cost: $3 daily pool admission per person plus entrance fee into the park.
  • Swimming at beaches is free after the park entrance fee has been paid.
  • $0.25 Lockers (where available).
  • Lifeguards are on duty at all swimming pools.
  • NOTE: Depending on lifeguard availability, many swimming pools reduce hours of operation in the early and late parts of the season. Contact the property directly for specific hours of operation.
  • A Swim at Your Own Risk policy is in effect at all beaches except at Indiana Dunes State Park.
  • Swimming pools and beaches may close toward the end of the summer season when lifeguards are unavailable.
  • Pool hours may vary by property. For any up-to-the-minute changes, contact the property you plan to visit. Property phone numbers can be found in the Indiana Recreation Guide.
  • For pool operations, all infants, toddlers, or small children who are not "potty trained" shall be required to wear an elasticized swim diaper before entering and while using the pool area.
  • Fecal incidents may result in closure of the pool. These closures can last from several hours to 24 hours.
  • For children aged 12 and younger to enter a beach or pool area, they must be supervised by someone aged 16 or older.

Inns/Lodges Indoor Pools

  • Only those guests staying in one of our inn or lodge facilities are permitted to use the indoor pool at that location. The park entrance fee still applies.

Prophetstown & O'Bannon Woods Aquatic Centers

  • Cost: $5 daily aquatic center admission per person, plus entrance fee into the park.


Pokagon State Park only $20 per hour rental (including tax).

Camp Stores

Located at many parks, and operate seasonally for your convenience. Prices may vary where concessions are privately operated.

Commercial Filming Fees

We invite production companies and commercial photographers to consider Indiana Department of Natural Resources properties for film shoots, with the knowledge and understanding that our primary concern is managing and conserving the natural and cultural resources at our properties, and that may or may not be compatible with filming requests.

All uses of DNR properties for commercial filming and photography require a license agreement. Some licensed uses may have associated fees.

Use of DNR Property by Private Organizations: Special Events Permit/License

If an individual, business, or other group wishes to host an event such as a public meeting, parade, contest, competition, sporting activity, or other special event or activity on a DNR property, that individual or organization must obtain a Special Events Permit/License as required by 312 IAC 8-2-15. The application for a license/permit can be obtained by contacting the property manager at the location where the event is proposed. The application should be completed and submitted for review at least 30 days prior to the event and must be approved prior to any publicity for the event. An application fee of $25 is required, and additional fees may apply depending on the nature of the event.

Wyandotte Cave Tour

Wyandotte Caves reopened to public tours in the summer of 2016 following a multi-year closure. Tours are offered on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and holidays from Memorial Day through Labor Day Weekend as follows:

Little Wyandotte Cave—30-minute, EASY tours (all ages welcome) at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 2 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays only. Cost is $8 for ages 12 and older; $4 for ages 6-11; and free for ages 5 and younger. Maximum group size is 15. For additional tour descriptions and guidelines, visit O’Bannon Woods State Park’s webpage.

Big Wyandotte Cave—2-hour, RUGGED headlamp/helmet tours (ages 6 and older only) at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays only. Cost is $18 for ages 12 and older; $9 for ages 6-11. Minimum group size is 15 and maximum is 25. For additional tour descriptions and guidelines, visit O’Bannon Woods State Park’s webpage.

Reservations should be made in advance for groups. Reservations can be made for individuals and families, but are not required if space is available. To make reservations, call the O'Bannon Woods State Park office, Monday through  Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at (812) 738-8232.

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