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Next Level Trails Applicant Information

Next Level Trails Round 4 Application Period

Round 4 applications will be accepted July 1, 2023 through Aug. 1, 2023 at 5 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. CT.

How to Apply or Re-Apply

Pre-Application: Ensure your project is eligible by reviewing the Overview of the Next Level Trails Grant Program. Next, review the NLT Grant Application Handbook for detailed application instructions. Additionally, consider participating in an NLT Applicant workshop or view the NLT webinar to learn more.

Round 4 Applicant Workshop

Step 1: New Applicants: Use the application packet checklist to gather all of the information needed for the application packet. Fill out the application form, following the instructions, and electronically submit your application packet to by the application deadline. Applicants should submit materials in the same order as the application packet checklist and include a table of contents.

Returning Applicants: Applicants not awarded funds in previous rounds may re-apply for the fourth round. All returning applicants must submit a new application form and packet to by the application deadline. Returning applicants are welcome to amend or alter their applications as desired. Applicants should include a table of contents within their application packet.

Returning Grantees: Applicants currently under contract for an existing DNR trail grant including NLT, ITP, RTP or LWCF may apply for a new project in Round 4. The new project must be outside the scope of any current DNR trail grant. The status of the applicant’s existing NLT project will be of consideration.

*Please note the file size limit for the email account is 19 MB. If your email is larger, please consider either splitting your application into multiple, smaller emails OR emailing a request for an invite to use Microsoft OneDrive. In your request to use Microsoft OneDrive, please include the name of your project and the name of the official applicant. You will then receive a File Request from a Next Level Trails Grant Coordinator.

Step 2: DNR Division of State Parks staff will confirm receipt of your application. Staff may contact you with questions about the application or to request follow-up information.

Step 3: DNR Division of State Parks staff will review each application to ensure it meets eligibility requirements and to complete a due-diligence process. They will then provide your application to the Next Level Trails Rating Committee, who will evaluate projects based on the preferences and considerations explained in the NLT Application Handbook. Upon completion of the review process, grant recipients will be officially notified of their award.

Documents below best viewed in Adobe Acrobat. Some links in documents may not work in certain web browsers

Application Documents
Doing Business with the State of Indiana
DNR Early Coordination Instructions
Land Acquisition Documents

Next Level Trails Workshops

Round 4 Potential Applicant Workshop

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