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Permit Application Fees

Permit Application Assistance Manual

The appropriate fee for each permit application type is listed below. Acceptable payment methods include business, cashier’s, certified, governmental, and personal check; money order; or credit card.

Checks or money orders should be made payable to: DNR Division of Water. To pay by credit card, call 1-877-928-3755 or 317-232-4160.

Statute Permit Application TypeFee
IC 14-28-1 Flood Control Act - Excavation, fill, or non-residential construction in a floodway $200
IC 14-28-1 Flood Control Act - Residential reconstruction in a floodway,other than the Ohio River floodway $50
IC 14-28-1 Flood Control Act - Residential construction, or reconstruction,in the Ohio River floodway $10
IC 14-26-2 Lake Preservation Act $100
IC 14-26-5 Lowering of the Ten Acres Act $25
IC 14-27-7.5 Regulation of Dams No Fee
IC 14-29-1 Navigable Waterways Act No Fee
IC 14-29-3 Sand and Gravel Permits Act $50
IC 14-29-4 Construction of Channels Act $100


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