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Permit Application Type

Permit Application Assistance Manual

On the permit application form check the corresponding box for the permit application type you are applying for. Multiple boxes can be selected if your project requires more than one permit. A brief description of each permit application type is listed below. If you have trouble deciding which permit you need, please contact the DNR, Division of Water at 1-877-928-3755 or 317-232-4160.

Flood Control Act (IC 14-28-1) requires the prior approval of the DNR, Division of Water for any proposal to construct an obstruction, fill, excavate, or construct a building in the floodway area of a stream or other flowing body of water that has a drainage area greater than 1 square mile. Example project types might include but are not limited to bank stabilization, construction of a new stream crossing or maintenance of an existing stream crossing, residential, commercial, or industrial development or improvements, fill, and channel realignment.

Note about General Licenses and Exemptions:
Some project types under the Flood Control Act may qualify for a general license or exemption. See the General License and Exemptions page for details.

Lake Preservation Act (IC 14-26-2) requires the prior approval of the DNR, Division of Water for any construction or project that is proposed below the legal or normal water level and located over, along, or lakeward of the shoreline or within 10 feet landward of the shoreline for construction of a wall with a lowest point that is below the shoreline elevation of a public freshwater lake. Example project types might include but are not limited to new and reface seawalls, underwater beaches, dredging, boat ramps, and boat well construction and fill. A list of the state’s public freshwater lakes can be found here.

Note about General Licenses:
Some project types under the Lake Preservation Act may qualify for a general license. See the General License page for details.

The Lowering of the 10-Acre Lake Act (IC 14-26-5) requires prior approval of the DNR, Division of Water for the construction, reconstruction, repair, or recleaning of any ditch or drain that is within a half-mile of a freshwater lake of 10 acres or more and where the project will have a bottom depth lower than the normal water level of such lake; however, a permit is not required for construction on a ditch or drain that empties into a lake if the ditch or drain continues to empty into the lake at the same location after the construction activities are completed and if best management practices for soil and erosion control are implemented. Example project types might include but are not limited to ditch construction and/or reconstruction, dredging, and tile drain installation and/or repair.

Navigable Waterways Act (IC 14-29-1) requires the prior written approval of the DNR, Division of Water for placing, filling, or erecting a permanent structure in a navigable waterway or Lake Michigan. A second permit is not required if the project is being permitted under the Flood Control Act, Sand and Gravel Permits Act, or Construction of Channels Act. A listing of the state’s navigable waterways is located on our website.

Sand and Gravel Permits Act (IC 14-29-3) requires the prior approval of the DNR, Division of Water for removal of sand, gravel, stone, or other mineral or substance from or under the bed of a navigable waterway. A listing of the state’s navigable waterways is on our website.

Construction of Channels Act (IC 14-29-4) requires the prior approval of the DNR, Division of Water for construction of a channel connecting to any river, stream, or lake for the purpose of providing access by boat.

Regulation of Dams (IC 14-27-7.5) requires the prior approval of the DNR, Division of Water for the construction of or repair of a high hazard dam that meets any one of the following criteria:

  • the drainage area above the dam is greater than 1 square mile, or;
  • the height of the dam is more than 20 feet as measured from the lowest point in the natural streambed under the centerline of the dam to the crest of the dam, or;
  • the maximum volume of water impounded by the dam to the crest (high pool level during the design storm event) is more than 100 acre-feet, or;
  • upon receiving a petition from a downstream property owner or resident, the DNR Division of Water deems the dam a high hazard dam

For significant or low hazard dams, prior approval of the DNR, Division of Water is needed for construction activities to a dam that meets more than one of the three size criteria listed above.

Additional information on erosion control, proper maintenance, regulation of dams, etc., is located on our Dams & Levees page.

Please note: It will most likely be necessary for the applicant to obtain the services of a registered professional engineer experienced in dam design and construction to make a complete geotechnical and hydrologic/hydraulic engineering evaluation of the project, develop plans and specifications, and submit the technical documentation for review. To expedite the permitting process, the project engineer should meet with the Division of Water staff to discuss details of the project before starting to work on the plans, specifications, and engineering report.


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