INTraining: Training Providers
An Eligible Training Provider (ETP) is an entity that provides a program of training services and has been determined as eligible to receive WIOA funding for training services through an Individual Training Account (ITA). These providers and programs will be included on the state ETP list. Indiana’s ETP list will be administered through the INTraining website.
The provider must be open to the public and one of the following types of entities:
- Institutions of higher education that provide a program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential; or
- Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAP)- (See Eligibility Exceptions: Apprenticeships section); or
- Other public or private providers that provide training, which may include community-based organizations (CBOs) and joint labor-management organizations; or
- Eligible providers of adult education and literacy activities under WIOA Title II if such activities are provided in combination with training services described in 20 CFR § 680.500; or
- Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) if they meet the conditions of WIOA Section 1 07(g)(1).
Prior to submitting applications to become an INTraining provider, please begin by reviewing the guidance documents located within the Resources section.
Once the guidance documents have been reviewed, a training provider may begin the application process by visiting Upon satisfactory submission and approval of a provider and program application, the program will appear on the INTraining website. At this time, the system will automatically review the program specifics to determine whether the program is eligible to receive WIOA Title I funding and therefore be included on the ETPL