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TAA: Filing a Petition

Due to TAA program expiration on 6/30/2022, the TAA benefits and services previously available may have changed or are no longer available. If you have received notification that you are eligible for the TAA program benefits and services, please reach out to your local WorkOne office to verify your eligibility and current status of the TAA program.

Filing a Petition

To become eligible for TAA support, a TAA petition must first be filed with the USDOL.  A TAA petition identifies a worker group at a specific firm that may have been negatively impacted by foreign trade. Generally, a petition must be submitted to USDOL within one year of the layoff for those workers to be covered by the petition.

Group Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible for TAA, the worker group must be negatively impacted by foreign trade. Reasons include:

  • Production or services moved outside of the country
    • Shift in the workers’ firm to a foreign country in the production of articles or the supply of services that are competitive with articles produced by the United States firm
  • Increased foreign imports negatively impacting business at the firm
    • Imports of articles produced outside of the United States that are competitive with articles produced by the United States firm
    • International Trade Commission (ITC) rulings on impacted industries
  • Downstream supplier/producer
    • The firm is a supplier or producer to a firm who has received a positive TAA certification.

Upon receiving a petition, USDOL immediately begins an investigation to determine whether the circumstances of the layoff meet the group eligibility criteria established by the Trade Adjustment Assistance act.

USDOL may contact customers and suppliers of the company, and others, in order to determine whether criteria are met for certification. After investigating the petition, USDOL certifies or denies group eligibility to apply for TAA. Workers in a certified group then apply individually for benefits and services through their local WorkOne Center/American Job Center (AJC).

For assistance filing a petition or for additional information regarding TAA eligibility please contact the TAA unit at:

To file a petition directly with USDOL, please visit: Online Petition Creation - Trade Adjustment Assistance Application (

Equal Opportunity is the Law. (La Igualdad De Oportunidad Es La Ley.)
DWD is an equal opportunity employer that administers equal opportunity programs. Free auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities (TDD/TTY Number: 1-800-743-3333). Free language interpretation and translation services are also available upon request.