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What do you consider the key accomplishment of your county's bicentennial celebration?
What Legacy Project do you most like to tell people about, and why?
Describe a highlight or most memorable moment related to your county's bicentennial celebration.
How / where are you preserving information and artifacts related to your county's celebration?
Total number of volunteers who participated.
Estimated total attendance
Fountain County was named for Major James Fontaine of Kentucky who was killed at Harmar’s Defeat (near modern Fort Wayne, Indiana) on October 22, 1790, during the Northwest Indian War.
Portland Arch is named for a natural bridge carved into the rock, a feature unique in our state. Portland Arch is obviously beautiful with its dramatic sandstone gorge and the meandering creek that follows the well-worn path of the preserve. Also found is an assemblage of natural communities and features including cliffs, forests, open prairies, spring-seep wetlands and savannas – all offering an abundance of plants, wildflowers and trees. This is a managed nature preserve so that Indiana’s rich natural resources will be here for generations to come.
County Seat: Covington
Year Organized: 1825
Square Miles: 395.66