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What do you consider the key accomplishment(s) of your county’s Bicentennial celebration?
What Legacy Project do you most like to tell people about, and why?
Describe a highlight or most memorable moment related to your county's Bicentennial celebration.
How/where are you preserving information and artifacts related to your county's celebration?
Total number of volunteers who participated.
Estimated total attendance.
The county was named for the heroic General Johann de Kalb, a Continental Army officer from Bavaria, who was fatally wounded at the Battle of Camden, South Carolina.
The Garrett Railroad Museum
Formerly the Baltimore & Ohio railroad freight station, the museum is located alongside the CSX railroad tracks. The station has been restored to reflect a typical rural railroad station of the early 1900s.
Find displayed many relics, curios, photographs, and railroad items that tell the story of Garrett’s rich history. The basement of the museum houses an HO scale model railroad layout. Outside is an actual railroad post office car and a Chesapeake & Ohio caboose.
Spencerville Covered Bridge
Visit the 138-year-old Spencerville Covered Bridge. Built in 1873, it is the only remaining covered bridge in DeKalb County. It was placed on the National Historical Registry in 1981.
DeKalb County, Indiana is the “Hub of Transportation Heritage” and the home of multiple transportation museums showcasing classic automobiles, trucks, aircraft, a military collection, railroad memorabilia, local art, county history, and the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum.
Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum
More than a building filled with over 120 automobiles and related artifacts, it also contains a wealth of historic information pertaining to Auburn Automobile Company, Duesenberg, Inc., Cord Corporation, Auburn Automobiles, Cord Automobiles, Duesenberg Automobiles, Auburn Automobile Company executives, and more.
Old Standards and Spicy New Pickle Varieties
Sechler’s Pickles been perfecting the art and science of making pickles for almost a century. Savor 54 pickles, relishes and salsa! For all the technical advances in food processing in recent years, many of their processes have changed little or not at all.
County Seat: Auburn
Year Organized: 1835
Square Miles: 362.82