The Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP) encourages environmental cleanups; facilitates the redevelopment, sale, and reuse of commercial and industrial properties; and reduces the risks that contaminants pose to human health and the environment. The VRP provides a process for property owners, operators, potential purchasers, and third parties to voluntarily address (by investigating and, if necessary, remediating) property that is or may be contaminated. Participants are typically current or past property owners, current or past lessees, and prospective purchasers. Local units of government with property obtained by default or with an interest in property development may also participate.
- VRP Site List [XLSX] - This report is updated semi-annually (Updated: July 2024)
Common Sites and Actions
The VRP most commonly addresses industrial sites, facilities with petroleum storage, commercial properties, manufactured gas plants, and dry cleaners. They are typically remediated using methods such as soil excavation and removal, soil vapor extraction, air sparging, pump and treat systems, and phytoremediation. The VRP Resources page provides details, forms, and guidance documents.
Notices and Announcements
Important Notice
No current notices.
Effective January 11, 2016, the revised Voluntary Remediation Agreement (VRA) template became available to applicants who wish to participate in the VRP. The revisions include updates to the required Scope of Work (Exhibit A of the VRA) which are intended to facilitate more timely progress towards closure for VRP sites. Following a site’s application and acceptance into the VRP, Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) VRP project managers will prepare, and IDEM will accept, this updated VRA for new sites participating in the program.