The Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s (IDEM) Risk-based Closure Guide (Waste-0046-R2, available on the IDEM Effective Nonrule Policies page) summarizes the process that site owners or prospective owners must follow when cleaning up contaminated property. When a cleanup is completed, IDEM will issue a Certificate of Completion and the Governor's Office will issue a Covenant Not to Sue. These documents provide assurance that the remediated areas will not become the subject of future enforcement action, and future liability is limited.
- IDEM E-Submission Enrollment:
- To request or modify your E-Submission access, please complete IDEM’s E-Submission Enrollment Form, then follow the VRP e-submission instructions in the document below.
- E-Submission Instructions [PDF]:
- This document provides instructions on navigating and uploading documents to the New E-Submissions Portal for the Voluntary Remediation Program starting November 1, 2021.
The following Voluntary Remediation Program forms are available on the IDEM Agency Forms page.
- Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP):
- Application and Instructions - 47271
- Remediation Completion Report Completeness Checklist - 54168
- Remediation Work Plan Completeness Checklist - 53413
Technical Guidance
- Community Involvement Plan (NRPD-Waste-0070 Attachment) [ZIP]:
- Proposed Remediation Work Plans that are submitted for IDEM approval must include a Community Relations Plan that informs neighboring residents, businesses, and institutions about VRP site remediation activities. This nonrule policy document addresses the community relations activities that must be included in the plan.
- VRP Environmental Restrictive Covenant Template [DOCX]:
- This template is used when proposing an environmental restrictive covenant as part of a remedy in a Remediation Work Plan.
- Voluntary Remediation Agreement [PDF]:
- This template is a standard document that identifies the obligations of both the VRP applicant and IDEM.
Additional guidance documents are available on the Technical Guidance for Cleanups page.
Technical Review Panel
IDEM has developed a pilot mechanism for handling technical disagreements between Office of Land Quality staff and external entities regarding the VRP. The Technical Review Panel page provides details.