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Employer Update: June 2024


As a reminder, ERM does not automatically remove past employees from the system. Until their access is disabled in ERM, previously employed employees will remain to have access to your unit’s information.
For detailed instructions on how to modify contacts and users in ERM, click here. Once you have cleaned up your contacts, please email EPPA at with your submission number(s) so we may remove you from our audit list.

TRF Contribution Rate Update

On Friday, April 26th, the INPRS Board of Trustees approved an employer contribution rate of 6.5 percent for the TRF Hybrid and TRF My Choice plans effective January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. This new rate will be applied to all payroll dates that occur after January 1, 2025. For TRF My Choice the normal cost will remain at 6.0 percent and the supplemental cost will be 0.5 percent.

Pension Relief : Actuarial Report and Distribution Letters

We have received the finalized actuarial valuation report for the Local Public Safety Pension Relief Fund for 1/1/2024. Click here to view the latest report.
For your unit’s distribution amounts, the letters are posted on our website towards the bottom of the Pension Secretaries page located here.

TRF and PERF: Verify Substitute Teachers and Intermittent Annual Verification

The TRF annual verification of substitute teachers and non-TRF fund intermittent process has begun. For TRF, this is an annual process requiring employers to review their list of active substitute teachers in ERM.
Employers will update their substitute roster to reflect one of the following status changes for this school year:
  • Active substitute teacher
  • Promoted into a full-time position
  • No longer working for the school corporation
For all other non-TRF employers, employers must verify the status of their intermittent employees.
For more information on this process and how to review your substitute or intermittent employees, check out pages 54-58 in the Member Management User Manual. These transactions will be placed in the Member Maintenance Exception Queue and will remain there until resolved. Please remember, employee records that are more than 30 days old will prohibit you from submitting further wage & contribution reports. Complete this annual to-do and maintain your ability to report your employees’ data to INPRS.

Thank you!

We would like to thank everyone who was able to attend the Pension Secretary Seminar on Friday, June 28th. If you couldn't make it, no worries! Over the next couple of weeks, we will be uploading the presentation to our website for you to view at your leisure.

For those of you that attended, we will be sending out a survey soon about your experience. We are looking forward to hearing your feedback on our presentation and anything you would like to see in future presentations.

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