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Investing 101


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If you think investing is confusing, you're not alone. Click on a topic below to learn more and start investing today. Investing 101 can walk you through step-by-step.

Start with this introduction to investing for your retirement

Get a crash course in investing your INPRS defined contribution (DC) account, and educational info about investment terms and concepts to help you plan for your retirement future with your INPRS account and any other retirement savings you may have.

Start now!
Investment Education Illustration
Investment Fact Sheets Illustration.

Follow the first lesson up with these study guides

Learn the basics about your DC account investment options and get current, 1-year, 3-year, 5-year, and 10-year performance for your investment funds with these easy-to-read fact sheets.

Get the facts

What type of investor are you?

This tool will help you find out which investment portfolio you may want to choose to reach your financial goals. Now that you have a better understanding of some key investment terms, take the quiz to better understand your risk tolerance and how you might choose different types of investments to build a well-diversified portfolio.

Take the quiz
Investment Risk Quiz Illustration.

Now apply what you've learned!

It's time to take your lessons and put them to good use. Log on to your INPRS account at to manage your investments and check out additional resources.

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