Investing 101
- Retirement and Investment Education
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If you think investing is confusing, you're not alone. Click on a topic below to learn more and start investing today. Investing 101 can walk you through step-by-step.
Start with this introduction to investing for your retirement
Get a crash course in investing your INPRS defined contribution (DC) account, and educational info about investment terms and concepts to help you plan for your retirement future with your INPRS account and any other retirement savings you may have.
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Follow the first lesson up with these study guides
Learn the basics about your DC account investment options and get current, 1-year, 3-year, 5-year, and 10-year performance for your investment funds with these easy-to-read fact sheets.
Get the factsWhat type of investor are you?
This tool will help you find out which investment portfolio you may want to choose to reach your financial goals. Now that you have a better understanding of some key investment terms, take the quiz to better understand your risk tolerance and how you might choose different types of investments to build a well-diversified portfolio.

Now apply what you've learned!
It's time to take your lessons and put them to good use. Log on to your INPRS account at to manage your investments and check out additional resources.
Investing 101 FAQs
- What are my retirement account investment options?
You have the following options available to you for investing your Defined Contribution (DC) account:
For more information about investing in your DC account, please visit Investing 101.
- What are stocks?
A stock is a financial asset that an investor can purchase. They give investors an opportunity to own a share, or a small portion, of a public company.
For more information about stocks, watch the video below.
- What are bonds?
Bonds are fixed-income investments that are similar to a loan, or an IOU. They allow investors to loan money to a company or the government. The company or government borrows the money for a set amount of time at a fixed or varied interest rate.
For more information about bonds, please watch the video below.
- What are commodities?
Commodities are real assets. They are partially processed or unprocessed goods, like grains, fruits, vegetables, crude oil and precious metals. A commodity can also be livestock.
For more information about commodities, please watch the video below.
- What is an expense ratio?
When you invest in any fund option, you buy shares of that fund and become a "shareholder." As a shareholder, you pay an annual fee called an "expense ratio." The expense ratio is the amount deducted each fiscal year for fund expenses.
To see what the expense ratios are for the Defined Contribution account investment options available to you with INPRS, please read this fact sheet.
- What is diversification?
Diversification refers to the concept of spreading contributions among different types of investments to reduce overall risk.
A variety of investments will not usually move in the same direction, at the same rate, or at the same time. Keep in mind that a diversified retirement plan may reduce instability over longer periods, but does not guarantee earnings.
- What is risk tolerance?
Risk tolerance refers to how comfortable you are with your account value rising and falling with the markets.
When you review your investment choices, it's important to decide how much instability you can afford to risk over short and long-term investments. Investments with more risk may have higher returns, but may be more likely to rise and fall sharply over a certain period. You should have a thorough understanding of what your particular risk tolerance is before you choose an investment. Take our quiz here to learn more.
- What is compound interest?
Compound interest is interest paid on principal and accumulated interest. With compounding, the interest in your INPRS account earns additional interest.
- What is a time horizon?
Time horizon refers to the period between now and when you need to access your invested money. Before you invest, you should ask yourself how long you intend to invest. Risk tolerance is associated with time horizon.
A person nearing retirement has a shorter time horizon than someone further away from retirement. The older investor may have a lower risk tolerance than the younger investor because the older investor has a shorter time horizon to bear sharp rises and falls in the market. The younger investor may accept greater risk since he or she has more time to bear the rises and falls of riskier investments.
*Market-associated risk is involved with investing. INPRS' investment fund choices are not insured. INPRS cannot guarantee against the risk of loss based on your self-directed investment fund choices.
- What is asset allocation?
Your assets are the dollars in your defined contribution account, and the allocation refers to how those dollars are split among the available investment options.
You can find more info about how asset allocation can help you, here.