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Prosecuting Attorneys

Prosecuting Attorneys' Retirement Fund

The Prosecuting Attorneys' Retirement Fund (PARF) provides retirement benefits to those serving in eligible positions and hired after January 1, 1990. Benefits are funded by member contributions.

Members of PARF are also members of PERF. PARF benefits are funded, in part, by PERF. If you are entitled to a defined benefit (DB) from PERF, your PERF DB will make up part of your monthly PARF benefit payment, with the remaining amount being paid by PARF.

Members of PARF include individuals in the following positions:

  • Prosecuting Attorney
  • Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
  • Deputy Prosecuting Attorney appointed under IC 33-39-6-2 who is paid by the state general fund
  • Executive Director of the Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council
  • Assistant Executive Director of the Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council

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