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Special Operations

Major David P. Travis

Major David P. Travis

"Special Operations Command oversees special enforcement projects, the Problem-Oriented Policing program, 24-hour Operations Center, and numerous special details. The division also coordinates training and equipment needs for each of the department's specialty teams."

Aviation Section

The Aviation Section provides air support for law enforcement and other agencies across the state. With a fleet of 3 helicopters and 2 planes, the section assists with traffic enforcement, fugitive and victim search and rescue, criminal surveillance and disaster assessments.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal

The Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Team is regularly called on by both local and federal law enforcement agencies to dispose of explosive devices and outdated chemicals. The team, which includes 11 certified bomb technicians and more than 35 members trained in Explosive Ordnance Recognition, averages between 25 and 30 render safes or disarmed devices per year.

Emergency Response Team (SWAT) Section

The Emergency Response Team responds to high-risk incidents, such as hostage situations, barricaded subjects, prison disturbances and rescue missions. To be part of the team, members must demonstrate proficiency in weapons and specialized equipment, unarmed defense techniques, building entry and clearance, rappelling and field search.

Motor Patrol Unit


Specialty Teams

  • Underwater Search and Recovery Team
    • The Scuba team provides the public with a highly professional, trained and equipped service capable of extending almost all aspects of forensic investigation and recovery underwater. They specialize in responding to calls including drownings and life threatening incidents
  • Mobile Field Force
  • Hostage Crisis Negotiators
    • Hostage/Crisis Negotiators use their extensive interview and interrogation experience to defuse hostage and other crisis situations. Team members train quarterly and work in conjunction with the Emergency Response Team.
  • K-9 Program
    • The Patrol K-9s participate in over thirty-five hundred details annually from vehicle searches, building searches, tracks, assisting other agencies and public appearances. Learn more...

Special Events Planning Unit

Event Commander – Either the Commander of the Special Operations Command (SOC) or a person designated by the SOC Commander or the Primary Staff to serve in this position.  The event commander may, as needed, designate various duties and responsibilities listed within this procedure or the event action plan (EAP) to subordinate staff.

Special Event – Any event designated as a special event by the SOC Commander or the Primary Staff.

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