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Superload Escorts

A Superload is any vehicle (plus its load) which exceeds the following weights and dimensions:

  • Width exceeding 17 feet
  • Height exceeding 15 feet
  • Length exceeding 110 feet
  • Weight exceeding 108,000 pounds

Superload Permits & Indiana State Police Escort

  1. Order the permit from IDOR
  2. Upon notification from IDOR, the carrier must request a Superload Agreement Number from the ISP Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division (CVED), 812-533-1100
  3. Fill out the contract, (below) attach a copy of the permit and slowdowns, and fax to the CVED at 812-533-1344
  4. CVED will set up an escort date within 72 hours

Download the ISP Superload Escort Agreement.

Due to the total solar eclipse, the Indiana State Police will not provide escorts for superloads on April 8, 2024.