Unarmed Response to Active Shooter Events (URASE)
Thank you very much for taking your time to review the Indiana State Police’s information on Unarmed Response to Active Shooter Events (URASE).
The information offered on this page is intended to create a more informed and prepared society in the event an active shooter event occurs. This information is not intended to comprise a complete program for preventing and responding to an active shooter event, nor is it meant to serve as a substitute for expert advice provided by local law enforcement, medical, psychiatric, and/or legal personnel.
If you would like an Indiana State Trooper to provide your school, place of worship, business, or organization a presentation on Unarmed Response to Active Shooter Events, please click the link on this page. Again, thank you for taking time to better educate yourself on this difficult topic.
The Indiana State Police remains constantly engaged with the communities it serves across the state. Please click on your county or on the Toll Road to find your local ISP District and view more information and or to send a request for a URASE event.
Businesses & Places of Worship
Resources for Places of Worship
The Indiana State Police has provided the training aids in this section to assist worshipers in preparing to respond to the unpredictable possibility of an active shooter event.
Thank you for taking your time to view the videos posted here, or to download the training materials to present as part of your own Active Shooter Preparedness program.
Thank you for taking your time to view the videos posted here, or to download the training materials to present as part of your own Active Shooter Preparedness program.
Previously, the City of Houston Mayor’s Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security released the video "Run. Hide. Fight.", providing key steps to follow should you encounter an active shooter.
The Indiana State Police has incorporated the City of Houston's video into the training aids in this section to assist businesses and other organizations in preparing to respond to the unpredictable possibility of an active shooter event.
The training aids below may be downloaded individually. You may also download or stream the videos separately on this page.
Thank you for taking your time to view the videos posted here, or to download the training materials to present as part of your own Active Shooter Preparedness training.

Resources for School
The Indiana State Police has provided the training aids in this section to assist educators in preparing to respond to the unpredictable possibility of an active shooter event.
Thank you for taking your time to view the videos posted here, or to download the training materials to present as part of your own Active Shooter Preparedness program.
As Superintendent Doug Carter states in the opening of the training video, "We are all too aware that educators ... would give their lives for our children. However, we are not asking you to die for those in your charge, but live for them by exercising the prevent and response options" presented in this training.
The training aids below may be downloaded individually and you may also download or stream the videos separately on this page.