Indiana State Police Volunteer Police Chaplains provide emotional and spiritual support and assistance to ISP personnel, their immediate family members, and to members of the public who are victims of crime or accident. Police chaplains ride along with officers on patrol, interact with ISP personnel, respond to critical incidents or disasters, and are generally available to assist with a wide range of possible crisis interventions. This is primarily intended to mitigate the negative effects of stress among the department personnel and their families. Secondly, this helps to compassionately resolve distressing situations, often times involving members of the community. Thirdly, clergy appointed as chaplains may serve the pluralistic religious needs of the department personnel, their families or victims of crime or accident, when invited and appropriate.
For many years prior to 1975, clergy from various communities across the state supported ISP personnel informally through ride-alongs and crisis interventions. This led the Indiana State Police to follow the example of other police agencies across the country and officially to initiate its own chaplain program that year. ISP chaplains are civilian members of the Department and are not responsible to enforce any laws. Currently there are approximately 50 volunteer police chaplains serving in the program.
Interested in serving as an Indiana State Police Volunteer Police Chaplain, please complete the application from the link provided below: