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On December 14, 2012 the tragic shooting took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, thrusting the urgency of school safety the forefront of the nation’s attention. In an effort to take school safety to the next level, the Indiana State Police joined Governor Pence in supporting new legislation to provide $20 million to promote school safety in Indiana over the next two years. The legislation (SEA #1) passed the 2013 General Assembly and became law immediately upon being signed by Governor Pence.

This new legislation assists school corporations with necessary funding to hire School Resource Officers to serve as a first line of defense in an active shooter incident, and to also provide additional security within the schools to combat drug usage, bullying, and other issues often requiring law enforcement intervention.

The Indiana State Police takes an active role in the administration and awarding of grant funding. Funding provides resources to employ school resource officers, conduct threat assessments and/or purchase equipment to limit access or expedite the notification of first responders.

ISP gives safety presentation