The Community, Access, Resources, and Education (CARE) Unit is dedicated to advancing health and improving the quality of life for all community members in St. Joseph County. We focus on enhancing access to essential health services, empowering individuals through comprehensive health education, fostering community engagement, and providing support services to address social drivers of health.
- Health Promotion and Education
Health Promotion Specialists offer a variety of presentations, programs, and educational materials at no cost to any St. Joseph County residents, businesses, schools, organizations, etc. The main goal is to improve one’s quality of life.
Tiffany Chukwuma, MPH, CHW, Health Promotion Specialist
Phone: (574) 876-1999Health Topics: Chronic Disease Management
Lindsey Stevenson, BSW, Health Promotion Specialist
Phone: (574) 302-6258Health Topics: Mental Health and Addiction
- Data and Reports (Burden of Disease Report)
- Community Health Workers
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
St. Joseph County is ranked 55th out of 92 counties in Indiana for overall health. There are dozens of factors that contribute to this low ranking, and many of them are related to children, families, and poverty.
In this context of high child poverty, limited childcare availability, and families that need to tap into government services to make ends meet, Adverse Childhood Experiences can thrive. The St. Joseph County Department of Health is working to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and strengthen Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs). This shared emphasis on Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences is commonly known as PACEs.
Learn more
- Congregate Living Outreach (Unhoused Population)
- St. Joseph County Naloxone Program
- Maternal Infant Health/EMBER Schedule