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Mosquitoes are a vector of concern in Saint Joseph County because they can transmit diseases to humans, such as West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis.

There are 55 different species of mosquitoes documented in Indiana, and over 25 species have been identified in St. Joseph County. Mosquitoes are a vector of concern in St. Joseph County because they can transmit diseases such as West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis.

Mosquitoes have four life stages:

  • egg
  • larva
  • pupa
  • adult

Mosquitoes need water to hatch their eggs; some species prefer shallow, stagnant water with high organic content, while others prefer swamps and floodplains. Larvae and pupae are completely aquatic, while adults are free-flying insects.

Adult females need blood meals from a host to produce their eggs; males do not bite. Most mosquitoes are active from dusk to dawn. Female mosquitoes find their hosts by sight, sensing carbon dioxide and body odors like sweat.

The St. Joseph County Department of Health monitors the population and types of mosquitoes every year. Mosquito samples (“pools”) of mosquitoes are tested in-house for West Nile Virus as well as sent to the Indiana Department of Health for West Nile Virus, St. Louis Encephalitis, LaCrosse Virus, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. To view current surveillance data of mosquito-borne disease in Indiana, please visit

The Saint Joseph County Department of Health treats for mosquitoes and responds to mosquito complaints involving stagnant swimming pools or other stagnant water that could potentially be a mosquito breeding habitat. The Department of Health also sprays for adult mosquitoes when diseases are detected.

2024 Public Spray Information Sheets