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Sign Regulations

  1. Revised Code. You can view the entire Indianapolis/Marion County Revised code online at
  2. Public Right-Of-Way. This is defined as any traveled way/public easement and can generally not be used as a location for signs other than governmental signs.
  3. Sign Permits. Sign permits can be obtained at the Department of Business and Neighborhood Services and are required, in general, to erect signs as described in the Revised Code.
  4. Utility Poles. Other than a governmental agency, at no time is it permitted in Marion County to place signs upon any utility pole (i.e. light poles, traffic signals, street signs).
  5. Violations. Violations can result in citations, a court appearance, and fines of up to $2,500.

Open Burning

  1. Revised Code. You can view the entire Indianapolis/Marion County Revised Code online at
  2. Enforcement. Violation of this ordinance will result in a warning, ticket, or summons to court. Warnings are often issued to first-time residential violators/violators causing a nuisance to health or businesses.
  3. Citations. Civil zoning citations in the amount of $50 are issued for continued non-compliance with one of the listed zoning violations.
  4. Repeat Violations. Failure to comply with the ordinance may result in fines of up to $2,500.

High Weeds and Grass

  1. Revised Code. You can view the entire Indianapolis/Marion County Revised Code online at
  2. High Weeds and Grass. Vegetation over. 12 inches in height is considered High Weeds and Grass and is a violation of Ch. 575 of the Revised Code.
  3. Abatement. A property owner has five days from the date of a Notice of Violation to mow the property in question.
  4. Notice of Violation. The City is only required to issue one notice of violation per calendar year for High Weeds and Grass.
  5. Violations. If a property is mowed by the City, the property owner will be billed for that service and will continue to be charged for any necessary future mows made by the City.


There is an ordinance that sidewalks are the responsibility of the homeowner or business. It is your responsibility to keep the sidewalk in front of your property free of snow, grass, and weeds. It is also your responsibility to keep the curbs clean as leaves and grass will wash down to storm grates and stop the flow of rainwater.