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Public Works

Reminder: Report Potholes to the Proper Entity

Potholes happen more frequently in the winter. If you notice one developing, please be sure to report it promptly. As a reminder, not all roads--or sections of roads--in Clermont are within the town's purview, so please see the map to the left to find which entity you should contact to report a pothole (select the map to view it larger).

Town of Clermont
(317) 291-0394

City of Indianapolis
Mayor's Action Center
(317) 327-4622

855-INDOT4U (855-463-6848)

Town of Brownsburg
(317) 852-1120

Hendricks County Highway Department
(317) 745-9227

Keep Sidewalks Clear

City-county ordinance (Title II, Section 431-106) states that the occupant of any premises (or owner of any unoccupied premises) is required to keep the sidewalks in front of or adjacent to the premises clear of snow and ice. Details are available in the city-county code.

City-county ordinance (Title II, Section 361-307) requires residents to keep the sidewalk free of weeds, grass, and litter. Curbs are also to be kept clean of all debris. Details are available in the city-county code.

City-county ordinance (Title II, Section 361-408) states that trash cans cannot block the sidewalk. Details are available in the city-county code.

City-county ordinance (Title III, Section 621-106) states that cars cannot park on the sidewalks. Details are available in the city-county code.

Reporting Road Issues

Be aware that not all roads--or sections of roads--in Clermont are within the town's purview. These areas include all of Crawfordsville Road (maintained by INDOT), Raceway Road (Brownsburg), Tansel Road from the railroad tracks by Thorncrest Drive and north (Indianapolis), and West 30th Street west of Tansel Road (Indianapolis).

Town of Clermont
(317) 291-0394

City of Indianapolis
Mayor's Action Center
(317) 327-4622

855-INDOT4U (855-463-6848)

Town of Brownsburg
(317) 852-1120

Hendricks County Highway Department
(317) 745-9227

Help Preserve Roads

Did you know that water ruins roads? If you live near a storm sewer outlet, please make clearing it part of your routine yard work. Grass clippings, leaves, sticks, and trash clog the outlets, leading to water backing up and causing damage to roadways. Clermont does its own road maintenance, but it does not have a street department or employees to do this type of work. Your help keeping the outlets clear can benefit everyone!