Office Hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
If you aren't sure who to contact, fill out our question/comment page and your message will be forwarded to the appropriate person.
Administrative and Program Staff
- Ariens, A.J. - Forest Archaeologist
- Bridges, Darren - Fire Coordinator
- Gonso, Chris - Hardwoods Program Manager
- Flachskam, Jill - GIS Specialist
- Smith, Zach - Property Specialist
- Haulton, Scott - Forestry Wildlife Specialist
- Hawkins, Bob - Nursery Supervisor
- Huter, Brenda - Stewardship Coordinator
- Roos, Jacob - Community & Urban Forestry Director
- Marshall, Phil - Insect & Disease Specialist
- McCoy, Duane - Timber Buyer Licensing Forester
- O'Conner, Phil - Tree Improvement Specialist
- Eiler, Lexington - Project Learning Tree Coordinator
- Schneck, Brad - Assistant State Forester, Properties
- Seifert, John - State Forester
- Vacant - Forest Resource Information
- Vacant - Forest Programs Coordinator
- Stenger, Racheal - Community & Urban Forestry Outreach Coordinator
- Vacant - Assistant State Forester, Coop. Forest Mgmt.
- Koehne, Steve - Land Surveyor
- Ramey, Barbara - Administrative Assistant
- Marsh, Shelia - Administrative Assistant
- Crecelius, Megan - Forest Ecologist/Botanist
- Gullion, Madeline - Community & Urban Forestry Urban Forest Specialist
Property Management Staff
- Ardisson, Taylor - Property Manager Owen-Putnam SF
- Bridges, Darren - Property Manager Morgan-Monroe & Yellowwood SF
- Crosier, Elena - Property Manager Clark SF
- Griffin, Mahala - Assistant Property Manager Morgan Monroe SF
- Gust, Alex - Property Manager Martin SF
- Potts, Derrick - Assistant Property Manager Yellowwood SF
- Sieg, Dwayne - Property Manager Harrison-Crawford SF
- Vacant - Property Manager Greene-Sullivan SF
- Smith, Amanda - Property Manager Salamonie River SF
- Westbrook, Maddie - Property Manager Selmier SF
- Winner, Jamie - Property Manager Ferdinand-Pike SF
- Kush, Josh - Property Manager Jackson-Washington SF