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Forestry Certification & Audit Reports

Forest Stewardship Council® and Sustainable Forestry Initiative® certification ensure wood products from State Forests are grown in a sustainable and well-managed manner. The ability to offer “green-certified” wood products is becoming increasingly important, especially to overseas markets.

In renewing Indiana’s certification, the FSC® auditors noted that DNR Forestry "has demonstrated continued overall conformance to the applicable Forest Stewardship Council® standards" and cited other strengths:

  • A "strong" best management practice monitoring program, with post-harvest reviews by DNR Forestry resource foresters and a comprehensive second-party process.
  • Employment of a full-time wildlife biologist who focuses on special situations (e.g., the Habitat Conservation Plan to protect bat habitat) but provides support for regular work activities. The audit also notes, "The Indiana Division of Forestry has dedicated considerable resources to developing state-of-the-art bat conservation practices."
  • Employment of a full-time archeologist who has developed an "exceptional" program for identifying and managing culturally important sites.
  • An "exceptional" program to retain stand-level wildlife habitat elements in accordance with scientific information.
  • "Excellent" recreational opportunities for the public, including walking and horse trails, camping, and access to lakes and ponds.
  • Annual State Forest open houses and a comprehensive website that contributes to public involvement in public land management and planning.
  • Significant improvements to haul roads for handling wet-weather traffic and larger logging trucks.
  • Restoration and maintenance of State Forest offices, shops, and recreational facilities, many that have historical significance.

Best Management Practice Audit Reports

Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) Program Reports

Sustainable Forestry Initiative and SFI are registered trademarks owned by Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc.

Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) Reports (FSC-C012858)

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