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Forestry FAQs

Can I ride my mountain bike on the trails on state forests?

In February of 2001 the Natural Resource Commission authorized the designation of trails for non-motorized mountain bike use on some DNR owned properties. This action opened the way for the Division of Forestry to provide this new recreational opportunity.

On May 15, 2001, about forty miles of designated mountain bike trails were opened for riding at five Division of Forestry locations. The trails are primarily shared-use trails designated on pre-existing hiking trails, horse trails or fire trails. The trail surface and configuration varies from property to property. These designated trails are the only sites on Division of Forestry properties where mountain bike riding is permitted.

Mountain bike trails are available at the following properties:

  • Clark State Forest/Deam Lake SRA (5 miles of trail)
  • Ferdinand State Forest (8.8 miles trail)
  • Jackson-Washington State Forest/Starve Hollow Beach SRA (12.2 miles of trail)
  • Martin State Forest (7 miles of trail)
  • Owen-Putnam State Forest (6 miles of trail)

To find out more information about these and other state forests click here.For further details about mountain bike trails and maps, go to the property website.

How can I order tree seedlings?

Tree seedlings from the state's two tree seedling nurseries must be ordered in the fall for delivery and planting the following spring. Click here for the Nurseries page and for more information on ordering tree seedlings.

Is hunting allowed on state forest properties?

Hunting and fishing are permitted on state forests during regular hunting and fishing seasons. Contact the Division of Fish and Wildlife for hunting and fishing seasons and regulations, or for a list of public land that allows hunting and fishing.

Can I target shoot on State Forests?

Clark State Forest has an established range for firearm target shooting. Archery ranges are located at Greene-Sullivan State Forest and Jackson-Washington State Forest. Target shooting is not permitted in any other areas on state forests. Contact the Division of Fish and Wildlife for a list of both state-owned and private target shooting ranges.

I have recently purchased or inherited some forest land. What should I do with it?

Making decisions about what to do with forest land is a big step for many private landowners. The best thing to do before making decisions about forest land, including whether to sell timber, plant more trees, or keep the woods as it is for wildlife habitat, is to contact a District Forester. District Foresters are professional foresters who work for the State of Indiana. They will meet you to look over your forest land, and will discuss with you what you want from your woods. Your district forester will be able to tell you your options for managing your woods. Visits from District Foresters are free of charge.

Your District Forester can also provide information about cost-sharing programs, the Classified Forest Program, and the Forest Legacy Program. Contact your district forester or the Division of Forestry office for more information.

I believe trees have been stolen from my woods. All that is left are the stumps. What should I do?
Please contact your local DNR conservation officer through the county sheriff's office.

Someone is growing marijuana on my property? Who do I contact?

Please contact your local DNR conservation officer through the county sheriff's office.

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