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Forests at WorkThe PBS special, Indiana Expeditions: Forests At Work investigates forest management in Indiana. Developed through a partnership between the Indiana Department of Natural Resources' Division of Forestry and public television station WFYI, the show looks at the science behind our abundant renewable product, the tree. From the lab to the field, we see how a seedling with certain genetic traits can turn into a tree farm full of superior hardwood trees. We follow foresters into the Indiana woodlands to learn about management practices and how these practices are helping Indiana make a great forest recovery from an era of abuse. We learn that there are plenty of things we can do as citizens to help keep our trees around for decades to come. Whether it be an urban forest in the middle of a city or a state forest, the science of forestry keeps the trees we depend on for the very air we breathe growing in the Indiana landscape we admire every day.

This show is available on DVD for a cost of $10 per DVD. To purchase, send a check made payable to IFEF-PLT, and mail to:

Division of Forestry
"Forests At Work" DVD
402 W. Washington St, Rm. W296
Indianapolis IN 46204

Be sure to clearly print your name and the address where the DVD is to be shipped.

National Association of State Foresters Homepage A non-profit organization that represents the directors of state forestry agencies from all 50 states. Includes forest management information and forestry employment opportunity listings.

The Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment is a long-term, large-scale experimental study of forest management and its impacts on plants and animals.

Forest and Tree Health Publications and Fact Sheets Miscellaneous Publications - USFS Northeast Area

Logo - Indiana Woodlands Information
Indiana Woodlands Information Homepage Premier site for Indiana forest management information! Includes educator resources and links to Forestry organizations.

Logo - Hoosier N.F.
Hoosier National Forest Homepage Information about facilities, recreation opportunities, and management activities in Indiana's only National Forest and Wilderness Area. Hoosier N.F. is managed by the U.S.D.A. Forest Service.

Logo - PLANTS Databse
The USDA PLANTS Database is a single source of standardized information about plants. This database focuses on vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.

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