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Martin State Forest

martin state forest
14040 Williams Rd.
Shoals, IN 47581

Martin State Forest advisories

  • None at this time.
  • Description

    Martin State Forest was established in 1932 with the purchase of 1,205 acres. A firetower and a small picnic area were soon built. In 1933, the Civilian Conservation Corps built several shelterhouses. Three fishing ponds were constructed in 1957. Each pond measured 3 to 4 acres. In the mid-1960s a 26-site, primitive campground was developed.

    The property has grown to 7,863 acres through additional land purchases and trades with the U.S. Forest Service. Most of the land was eroding, abandoned farmland or heavily cut-over woodland when acquired. With years of intensive management, including the planting of thousands of trees, countless hours fighting wildfires and hundreds of acres of selective improvement harvests, the area has been transformed into a lush, healthy, growing forest.

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