White Oak Nature Preserve Trail
White Oak Nature Preserve Trail is an easy 0.9 mile hiking trail that loops through the Nature Preserve. The trailhead can be accessed off the south side of Winding Road, west of I-65, and parking is available at the West Shelter. Dedicated in 1975, White Oak Nature Preserve was the first Nature Preserve to be established at Clark State Forest. This 143-acre nature preserve is now one of four nature preserves comprising more than 800 acres of Clark State Forest’s current more than 25,000 acres.
From I-65: Take Exit 19 off I-65, travel east into the town of Henryville, turn north (left) onto US-31 continue for ~1 mile, turn west (left) into the main entrance, continue ~1 mile, after crossing over I-65, turn right, and park at the shelter (West Shelter). The trailhead is across the road from the shelter.
What You’ll See - Dry Upland Area
The first part of your hike will take you through a dry, upland area dominated by the white oaks for which the nature preserve is named. White oaks are characterized by their light gray bark, which is divided by vertical furrows, and their leaves, which have several lobes. Hikers may also see red, black, scarlet, post, and chestnut oaks, along with pignut, shagbark, and bitternut hickories. There are also scattered native Virginia pines. Understory trees and shrubs include maple leaf viburnum, flowering dogwood, Juneberry, roundleaf greenbriar, Virginia creeper, and pasture rose. Dryland blueberry clumps indicate acid soil conditions. The wildflowers in this area include pussytoes, spring beauty, shooting star, orange hawkweed, phlox, firepink, bluets, and goats’ rue. As you’re hiking, consider the water, soil, grasses, shrubs, and vines, which are also important parts of this forest.
What You’ll See - Mesic Area
As you progress through your hike, the trail descends 60 feet into a more mesic (moist) area. This change is moderate compared to elevation changes in elsewhere within Clark State Forest. For instance, Grand View Knob, the location of the fire tower, is more than 400 feet above the nature preserve. As you hike through the mesic area, you will cross Wolf Run and the creeks that feed into it. Water is an important resource for wildlife. Do you see any signs of wildlife, such as tracks in the mud or sandbars, in the mesic area? Familiar species like Eastern box turtle, white-tailed deer, wild turkey, Virginia opossum, and raccoon call this nature preserve home. But many critters we see less often such as flying squirrels, great horned owls, and marbled salamanders also reside here. These critters use trees that are in various stages of life or death. Do you see examples of live trees, snags (dead trees that are still standing), leaning trees, downed trees, and trees with cavities (holes)?
History of the Area
1903. The original purchase of 2,000 acres for the State Forest Reservation and Experiment Station, which would later become known as Clark State Forest, is made. The future White Oak Nature Preserve is included in this purchase.
1933. After the stock market crash of 1929, almost 18 million people became unemployed, and the United States slid into the Great Depression. From May 1933 to June 1942, companies of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) were stationed at many of Indiana’s DNR properties including Clark State Forest. The CCC constructed buildings, shelters, picnic areas, lakes, trails, and roads. On occasion, these constructions required the use of dynamite. On your hike, you will see a small concrete building built into the hillside. This is the CCC Dynamite Shed where dynamite was stored before it was to be used.
1961. In November 1961, I-65 first saw traffic. It now runs 887 miles from Mobile, Alabama to Gary and passes just east of White Oak Nature Preserve on its way.
1975. Clark State Forest’s first nature preserve, the 143-acre White Oak Nature Preserve, is dedicated.
2020s. During the 2020s, forest stand improvement, including invasive species control and the removal of the midstory (medium size trees) was performed within the nature preserve. Removal of the midstory allows more light to reach the forest floor to promote herbaceous growth and a more open forest structure.