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Lesson 5 - Indiana after the American Revolution

Part of the Hoosier History & Indiana State Parks Elementary School Curriculum Series

Key objectives

During this unit of study, students use primary and secondary sources to learn about some of the people and events that influenced the development of the State of Indiana after the American Revolution

Featured state parks

Key Resources

Activity 1: Land and Discovery

George Rogers Clark played an important role in Indiana’s history after the American Revolution. Students are encouraged to research Clark’s life in what is now Indiana, his support of his brother William’s participation in the Lewis and Clark expedition, and his impact on how Indiana would develop into a state. Students will be asked to prepare creative presentations as first-person narratives, newscasts, quiz shows or in another format to share what they discover. Activity length: 90 minutes.

  • Background

    In the years after the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783), the United States sought to expand its territory westward and place a firm hold on the land west of the Appalachian Mountains. The Treaty of Paris (1783), which officially ended the Revolutionary War, significantly expanded the boundaries of the United States. The native population did not participate in the treaty negotiations, and their interests were not necessarily taken into consideration, despite the new territory of the United States being on their traditional homelands. For the first time, people in the United States were able to move west of the Appalachians. While settlers were still living in colonies under the British crown, they were prevented from settling this territory. In 1787, Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance, creating the Northwest Territory. This land included what is now Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. This land was home to many native groups, which now faced new threats from Americans moving westward.

    The United States was a young country that had just fought a major war. The country was in debt, not least of all to the soldiers and officers who fought the battles and won the war. The government paid these men in land. George Rogers Clark led the militia of Virginia in a campaign to capture land in Indiana and Illinois. For his service, Virginia granted Clark a large tract of land in what is now Clark County, Indiana. Clark himself settled there and distributed the rest of the land to the men who fought with him. George Rogers Clark was a skilled soldier and leader, but he struggled after the war with finances and alcoholism. He continued to sink further in debt, and his creditors began to come after his land. Clark’s health declined and he eventually suffered a stroke. During the stroke he fell into the fireplace and burned his leg so badly it had to be amputated. He then moved in with his sister in Kentucky, where he lived the rest of his life, dying after a second stroke in 1818.

    In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson orchestrated the Louisiana Purchase, which brought the United States more than 800,000 square miles of land from a territory claimed by the French and known as Louisiana Territory. This area stretched north from present-day Louisiana to Canada, and west from what is now Illinois, Missouri and Arkansas to what is now New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. Similar to the Treaty of Paris, the Louisiana Purchase did not take into consideration native interests and did not consider that it was neither France’s land to sell nor the United States’ land to buy. Nevertheless, President Jefferson went through with the transaction.

    George Rogers Clark’s brother was William Clark of the famed Lewis and Clark expedition. The Lewis and Clark expedition was initiated by Jefferson in order to explore the western territory of North America. The United States had recently acquired the Louisiana Purchase and Jefferson was eager to find out what he had bought. The Corps of Discovery, as Lewis and Clark’s group was called, set off from George Rogers Clark’s cabin site in what is now Falls of the Ohio State Park

  • Vocabulary, materials required, focus questions


    • Appalachian Mountains: A mountain range in the eastern United States running from Alabama in the south up into the Canadian province of Newfoundland. The Appalachians were historically a barrier to travel westward.
    • Treaty of Paris (1783): This agreement between the United States and Great Britain officially ended the American Revolutionary War. There are a large number of treaties called the Treaty of Paris, which is why it is important to designate the year in which the treaty was signed in parenthesis. Native Americans were not included in this agreement.
    • Northwest Territory: An organized and incorporated area of the United States formed by an act of Congress called the Northwest Ordinance. The territory comprised the present-day states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. The Northwest Territory lasted from 1787 to 1803, when Ohio became a state.
    • Louisiana Purchase: In 1803 the United States bought more than 800,000 square miles of land from France. This land ran north from present-day Louisiana to Canada, and from west of Illinois all the way to Colorado in the west. Native Americans were not included in this agreement.

    Materials required

    Focus questions

    • Why did people come to what is now Indiana after the American Revolution?
    • What events in the years after the American Revolution led to Indiana becoming a state?
    • Who was George Rogers Clark, and why is he important to Indiana?
    • What was the land like here that Clark and his contemporaries would have seen and explored?
  • Step-by-step directions
    1. Begin with a short discussion about what is now Indiana (the Northwest Territory) looked like in the late 1700s after the American Revolution. Who was here? What were they doing here? Why did they come?
    2. Introduce the concept of land grants, which were awarded to soldiers after their service in the American Revolution. Gen. George Rogers Clark received land in Clark’s Grant in what is now Clark, Floyd and Scott counties in Indiana. Clark built a cabin on a bluff overlooking the Ohio River and lived there. His younger brother William became one of two leaders of the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1803.
    3. Divide students into two groups:
      1. Have one group (working together in teams or individually) look closely at Clark’s Grant. Discover more about how Clark’s Grant was established and surveyed and what Clark chose to do with it. How does Clark’s Grant relate to Indiana’s state parks today — which state parks are in what was Clark’s Grant acreage? What wildlife would a traveler have encountered (see handout included)? What might Gen. Clark’s cabin have looked like? Did anyone else live with him or near him? Ask students to review the historic survey map provided and either consider what THEY might do if awarded a significant tract of land such as this in an unknown territory or identify a location that might be a good place for a homesite, sawmill, river access, etc. What would they do with the land?
      2. Have one group (working together in teams or individually) look at the Lewis and Clark Expedition, particularly as it pertains to Indiana. How was William Clark selected for the expedition? What made him a good candidate? Where did William Clark meet Meriwether Lewis? What was it like to pass through the dangerous Falls of the Ohio? Follow the route the expedition took along what is now Indiana’s southern border. What wildlife would the expedition have encountered (see handout included)? Use a map of the journey on the Ohio River and a current map that shows Indiana State Parks to determine where Lewis and Clark might have seen land that eventually became part of an Indiana State Park.
    4. Ask students to prepare a short report or presentation about either Clark’s Grant or Indiana’s role in the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Students can present the information as a first-person narrative or as a quiz show, or write a song or poem, or present the information in some other creative manner.

Activity 2: Unrest and Uprisings

Students will use books and online resources to better understand Tecumseh and William Henry Harrison and their conflicting goals, and will gain an understanding of the significance of what is now Prophetstown State Park in those goals and conflicts. Activity length: 90 minutes.

  • Background

    Feeling increased pressure from European settlers, the Shawnee leader Tecumseh and his brother Tenskwatawa (The Prophet) moved their warriors and followers from Ohio to the confluence of the Wabash and Tippecanoe rivers. There, in 1808, they founded Prophetstown. Tecumseh hoped that by creating a confederacy of several tribes, he could halt the advance of the settlers. He also hoped to build on memories of the confederacy that resisted the Americans in the late 18th century. Tenskwatawa was primary in this effort for many years by preaching Indian renewal and cultural purity. He discouraged the use of alcohol and adopting the settlers’ ways. Interestingly, people often view Tecumseh as the primary leader, but in fact Tecumseh rose to prominence much later after Tenskwatawa, his brother, had been rallying support for some time.

    Tecumseh’s travels took him to New York, Canada, Arkansas, Minnesota and perhaps as far south as Florida. He visited tribes and persuaded them to abandon their tribal animosities to fight the larger enemy. He encouraged tribes to come to Prophetstown, to stand their ground and resist. Others, such as Little Turtle, were resisting through active means that were non-violent as well as through forms of passive peaceful resistance. Tecumseh hoped that their large numbers would be enough to dissuade the advance of settlement. By 1808, warriors from other tribes were congregating at Prophetstown.

    William Henry Harrison, then governor of the Indiana Territory, was aware of the increased Native American presence at Prophetstown. Historians tell us that tribes who had members present at Prophetstown were the Potawatomi, Shawnee, Kickapoo, Delaware, Winnebago, Wea, Wyandotte, Ottawa, Chippewa, Menominee, Fox, Sauk, Creek and Miami.
    Harrison had a healthy respect for Tecumseh as a statesman and described him as, “the Moses of the family . . . a bold, active sensible man daring in the extreme and capable of any undertaking.” Concerned by Tecumseh’s growing confederation, in November 1811 (while Tecumseh was away), Harrison moved troops to within a half-mile of Prophetstown.

    The Prophet, fearing an attack, initiated a surprise attack on Harrison’s encampment. In the early morning darkness of Nov. 11, warriors surrounded Harrison’s men. An alert sentry sounded the alarm and the battle began. Heavy losses occurred on both sides, but in the end, possibly from running out of ammunition, the warriors pulled back and escaped to Prophetstown. The residents of Prophetstown fled. Later, Harrison’s troops burned Prophetstown. One of the largest Native American confederations ever to come together in the North American continent was wounded, but in fact Tecumseh continued rallying support until his death at the Battle of the Thames in 1813.

  • Vocabulary, materials required, focus questions


    • Prophetstown: Native American village located between the Tippecanoe and Wabash rivers established by Tecumseh, a Shawnee warrior, and his brother Tenskwatawa (The Prophet) in 1808.
    • Tecumseh: Shawnee warrior and leader of a large tribal confederacy that opposed the United States during the War of 1812. He was born in 1768 near present day Chillicothe, Ohio and died at the Battle of the Thames in Canada in 1813.
    • Tenskwatawa: A spiritual leader of the Shawnee, he was Tecumseh’s brother. He sought to inspire his fellow Shawnee to reject the influence of the Americans and strive for cultural purity.
    • Little Turtle: A leader of the Miami people, born around 1747. He was a war chief, a position he earned through his leadership during the American Revolutionary War in defending Miami villages and hunting grounds.
    • Indiana Territory: An organized and incorporated territory of the United States formed in July 1800 and lasting until Indiana became a state in 1816. The first governor of the Indiana Territory was future president William Henry Harrison. It was during his time as governor of the territory that he fought the Battle of Tippecanoe.
    • Battle of Tippecanoe: A battle fought on Nov. 7, 1811, near present day Lafayette. The battle was between Gov. William Henry Harrison’s forces and the Tecumseh Confederacy living at Prophetstown. As tension grew between the two groups, Harrison brought about 1,000 soldiers to disperse the confederacy’s headquarters at Prophetstown. Harrison’s forces won the battle, marched to Prophetstown and burned the village to the ground.

    Materials required

    Focus questions

    • What individuals played a key role in Indiana becoming a state?
    • What does Prophetstown State Park’s history have to do with Indiana becoming a state.
  • Step-by-step directions
    1. Introduce the activity with a brief discussion about Tecumseh and William Henry Harrison. What do the students already know? Are their perceptions correct or based on legends and stories of American Indians and early white settlers?
    2. Complete the Activity 2 worksheet matching Prophetstown structures with its modern equivalent. Discuss how these structures and other elements represent what daily life might have been like in Prophets Town for the tribes that gathered there along the Wabash River.
    3. Have some of the students work individually or in groups to search online to create a character web to help them better understand Tecumseh and begin to figure out his significance in Indiana’s development.
    4. In addition, using a biography from the Indiana Historical Bureau, have some of the class look at William Henry Harrison and create a character web for him. Identify whether resources used are primary or secondary.
    5. Finally, have some of the students do research online to learn about Tenskwatawa, Tecumseh’s brother, (also called The Prophet) and develop a character web for him. Identify whether resources used are primary or secondary.
    6. Discuss together the relationship between Tecumseh and Harrison and how their goals came into conflict. What role did Tenskwatawa play in this relationship?
    7. Develop a timeline of events leading to and through the Battle of Tippecanoe. Talk about the resources used to do the research. Are they balanced or biased in one way or another?
    8. Discuss what happened after the conflict at Prophetstown. What happened to Indiana Indians, and where did they go? What happened to the land where Prophetstown was located? What is happening to the land today at the site? (Note: the unit “Land of Indians” provides resources for follow-up to this discussion.)
    9. Ask each student to prepare and present a short report of the events leading to, including and after the Battle of Tippecanoe from the perspective of William Henry Harrison, Tenskwatawa, Tecumseh, or a person living in the village of Prophets Town.

    Extension ideas

    • Plan a field trip to the Clark Cabin Site at Falls of the Ohio State Park in Clarksville to learn about George Rogers Clark.
    • Plan a field trip to Prophetstown State Park in Battle Ground to learn about Tecumseh, his brother Tenskwatawa, the Battle of Tippecanoe and how the land has changed since the early 1800s.


    Thanks to Dr. Ronald Morris and the history education students at Ball State University for their assistance and creativity in developing the activities for this unit. Thanks to Warren Gartner, Indiana Project WILD Coordinator for “Indiana’s Wildlife After the Revolution” concept.

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