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FSSA Facility Safety and Floor Warden Procedure

Purpose: FSSA and the State of Indiana are responsible for ensuring and encouraging the safety of its employees, wards, and visitors while in state owned or leased properties.  To facilitate that, FSSA uses the Floor Warden program to maintain a team of responsible and adequately trained individuals to perform safety related tasks in event of emergencies at the IGC Campus.   Floor Wardens are agency designated staff that are responsible for ensuring safety tasks required by State and Federal law are performed to protect life and property.  For sites outside of the IGC Campus, site management or Designees are responsible for performing similar tasks.

Scope:  FSSA Floor Warden Procedure will designate the parties responsible for identifying, providing authority to, and training Floor Wardens.  It will provide basic instructions for non-Floor Warden staff and those outside the IGC Campus to facilitate the required safety protocols demanded by law.  The Floor Warden designation does not impart the authority to write anyone up nor does it grant the authority to declare states of emergency or issue evacuation orders unless they have been so instructed by PPO or First Responders.

For questions relating to policy or process, direct questions to physical.plantoperations@fssa.in.gov.

For ISPHN sites, refer to that facility EOP.


  • Designee: FSSA State Employees who have been given authority by a Director to make operational decisions for their Agency, Department or Division.
  • Director: Agency, Department or Division head with authority appointed by the Secretary’s office.
  • Emergency: A disaster event that poses a risk to staff or property.  Examples include fire, tornado, earthquake, workplace violence, bomb threats, or hazardous chemical spills.
  • Emergency Action Plan (EAP): Written document, required by OSHA 29 CFR 1910.38, that provides guidance for responding to an Emergency.
  • First Responder: Police, Fire Fighters, EMTs, etc. that are trained and responsible for responding to Emergencies.
  • Floor Warden: FSSA Staff appointed by a Director to perform safety related activities at the IGC Campus within the scope of the Floor Warden Program.
  • Floor Warden Captain: A Floor Warden appointed by a Director with an elevated level of responsibility to act as a communications liaison with PPO and other Floor Wardens, normally designated to coordinate a suite or specified physical area.
  • Indiana State Psychiatric Hospital Network (ISPHN): FSSA managed state-run psychiatric hospitals under the Division of Mental Health Division.
  • Manager: Direct Supervisor of Staff or operations coordinator for field offices.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): Division of the United States Department of Labor responsible for ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for US workers.
  • Physical Plant Operations Program (PPO): FSSA program and staff that are responsible for coordinating and directing FSSA agency safety and security training, preparation, and responses within the IGC Campus location.
  • Manager: FSSA state employee with authority over Staff in responsibility or a physical area.
  • Staff: FSSA state and contract employees.



  • Be knowledgeable of the Emergency Action Plan and its provisions for emergency situations.  E.g., evacuation routes, sheltering locations, bomb threats.
  • Staff shall report all existing or potential hazards to the Physical Operations Manager, their floor warden (Government Center only), manager or Designee.
  • Immediately report any known false alarms to their floor warden (Government Center only) manager, Building Facilities, leasing liaison and/or the Physical Plant Operations manager.
  • Follow instructions given by the Physical Operations Manager, floor wardens (Government Center only), manager or Designee in implementation of this plan during emergencies or practice drills.
  • Report any emergency that requires EMS/Fire/Police by Calling 911
  • Government Center: Following the call to 911, notify the IGC Security Office by calling 317-234-4830. This should then be followed by notifying the local Floor Warden, Supervisor / Manager and / or the Physical Plant Operations Manager.


  • Must be aware of Floor Warden and Facility Safety Procedure and either designate Floor Wardens and Floor Warden Captain for managed areas at the IGC Campus in coordination of PPO OR appoint a Designee to do so.
  • Ensure that staff are responsive and acknowledge the responsibilities of Floor Wardens so that they may perform their tasks during Emergencies.
  • Ensure that staff at satellite locations follow the FSSA EAP OR have adequate information and training to maintain a functional EAP OR designate responsible entity.


  • Act under the authority of a Director to designate Floor Wardens and Floor Warden Captains for managed areas at the IGC Campus in coordination with PPO.
  • In field offices, act as agency safety and security representative.
  • Maintain FSSA EAP and general safety guidance for staff.
  • Lead Floor Warden program and set basic requirements for program scope and responsibilities.
  • Maintain accurate list of Floor Wardens and means of communications for Emergency Events.
  • Act as agency subject matter expert or coordinator for Safety and Security needs.

Floor Warden:

  • Act as Safety Coordinator for Division or physical area based on Director designation and authority.
  • In Emergency events, perform OSHA required staff accountability check at gathering sites. The results of the accountability check will be relayed to the Floor Warden Captain.
  • A Floor Warden DOES NOT have the authority to act as supervisor beyond their daily responsibilities or to act as a First Responder.
    Floor Warden Captain:
  • Act as communication liaison between suite Floor Wardens and PPO.
  • In Emergency events, combine results of accountability checks to relay concise information to PPO as needed.
  • Maintain current list of Floor Wardens within their suite with contact information.
  • Communicate with PPO on matters of safety issues or potential improvements.
  • Perform spot checks at direction of PPO to ensure capabilities and preparedness for the agency.

Floor Warden Selection and Standards

  • Floor Wardens should be selected so at least 2 Floor Warden cover a suite or group of staff.  In suites with more than one group, Directors should appoint Floor Wardens to either collaborate as area Floor Wardens OR act as Agency, Department, or Division specific Floor Wardens. Any appointed floor warden must be willing to fulfill relevant duties as described in floor warden instructions.
  • At least 1 Floor Warden per Suite Room at the IGC Campus must be in office each workday (M-F excluding holidays) if the suite room is staffed.  Days where all staff in a suite are remote will not require a present floor warden.
  • Occupancy considerations must include field staff occupying a space on intermittent or inconsistent schedules.  IF they would be occupying a space otherwise unstaffed, they must notify the Suite floor warden.  That floor warden will coordinate with an on-site floor warden to be responsible for accounting for that staff member in case of emergency.  The relevant floor wardens will need to communicate to the affected field staff so they know who to report to if an evacuation takes place.
  • One Floor Warden Captain is required per suite space, whether single suite or conterminous suites.  The responsibility of the Captain is to act as the communication liaison with PPO.
  • A list of Floor Wardens will be maintained on The Hub FSSA intranet website.

Procedure for IGC Campus

  1. Emergency Evacuation or Drill:
    • All staff shall follow the FSSA EAP.
    • Floor Warden should don their safety vest if able.
    • Floor Wardens shall direct staff, clients, and visitors to evacuation or shelter locations.
    • For Staff requiring assistance evacuating:
      • Floor Warden will direct those requiring evacuation assistance to the lobby elevators.
      • Floor Warden will appoint an escort for the staff and provide a mobile number or other method of communicating with the Floor Warden to ensure evacuation.
    • Once at evacuation or shelter site, Floor Wardens shall perform staff accountability check and relay results to Floor Warden Captains specifying who, if anyone, is missing.  Non-complying staff should be noted and after the Emergency is over, those names should be provided to that staff’s supervisor and PPO.
    • Floor Warden Captains will relay results of accountability checks to PPO when requested.
  2. Floor Warden Selection:
    • PPO and Director or Designee will coordinate to establish advised number of Floor Wardens per suite.
    • Director or Designee will designate a Floor Warden Captain and Floor Wardens.
  3. Regular Operations:
    • First Aid Kits-Floor Warden Responsibility
      • Floor Wardens should keep First Aid kits in visible place that is easily accessible to staff
      • Floor Wardens should do checks on first aid kit materials at least quarterly (March/June/September/December) to ensure materials are available and not expired.
      • Replacement materials should be acquired by Agency, Department or Division and should contact PPO if assistance is required.
    • Staff Listing-Floor Warden Responsibility
      • Floor Wardens should maintain a list of staff they are responsible for that is accessible to other Floor Wardens in their area.
      • The staff listing should include so that accountability checks are able to be performed quickly and accurately once staff reaches their evacuation/shelter site.
        • The list should identify the suite room number(s) and the responsible Floor Warden
        • Name of staff
        • Approved Work From Home days
        • Notation if the staff requires assistance evacuating
      • Staff Listing should be updated as there is staff turnover but must be reviewed at least quarterly.
      • A backup or original of the staff listing must be kept in the Staffing Lists Teams channel or the FSSA Floor Wardens teams.  If access is needed, contact PPO.
    • Floor Warden Listing
      • Floor Warden Captains should maintain a current list of Floor Wardens under their purview.
      • Listing should include contact information with mobile phone number if available

Procedures for Locations outside IGC Campus, not ISPHN sites

  1. Evacuation:
    • All staff shall follow the FSSA EAP or Facility EOP/EAP.  Facility EOP/EAP shall supersede all following instructions.
    • Managers or designated safety staff shall direct staff, client, and visitors to evacuation or shelter locations.
    • Managers or designated safety staff should direct evacuating staff to close all doors as they evacuate.
    • Managers or designated safety staff shall ensure all staff, client, and visitors are evacuated.
    • Managers or designated safety staff shall notify First Responders if there are staff requiring assistance evacuating and where they are located.
    • Managers or designated safety staff should post a sign or other notification on the entry door to the FSSA occupied space that the location has been evacuated if able.
    • Once at the location designated evacuation site, perform the required accountability check and report as part of the incident report to PPO and Director or Appointee that manages the leased property.
  2. Daily Operations:
    • Managers or designated safety staff should ensure there are posted evacuation maps and staff knowledge on emergency procedures.
    • Ensure all staff know where to meet after evacuation for the required accountability check.
    • Contact supervising staff, property management or PPO if assistance is required.