Recently, it has come to our attention that, thanks to some of our services, a lovely lady 95-years-young from Chandler, Ind., was able to travel out of state to Orange Beach, Ala., for several days of sun and sand with her family. This lady and her caregiver are supported through structured family caregiving, which was key in allowing her this “bucket list” opportunity. Structured family caregiving is a waiver service available through our Aged and Disabled Waiver. Furthermore, recent guidance from the Division of Aging proved to be invaluable to her and her caregiver.
While this heartwarming story made the rounds of local media and was even picked up across the globe, due to privacy considerations, we’ll only identify this client as “May.”
First a little about May. As an older Hoosier receiving services through the A&D waiver, May has elected to reside at home with her preferred caregiver who helps with her daily activities and attends to her needs. This caregiver is reimbursed through a certified structured family caregiving agency – Caregiver Homes. This agency also provides training, education and support to caregivers so they can be there and be supportive for their loved one. Structured family caregiving helps reduce caregiver burden and burnout by providing tools that caregivers need to thrive. Once a determination of the types of supports needed by caregivers and then implemented, we make care better for those who need it and less stressful for those giving it.
The Division of Aging recognizes that older Hoosiers crave the ability to experience things such as travel. Because of this, the Division of Aging recently collaborated with FSSA’s Office of Communications and Media graphic design team to create a resource highlighting and promoting the attributes of travel for older adults. This resource also educates care managers and providers on how to co-design service planning with elderly Hoosiers who would like to travel to ensure they receive any help they need throughout their journey. They help pack items the elderly would need and help them out during the trip.
The Division of Aging applauds May’s caregiver for recognizing how important it would be to her to travel and for being in conversation with her about visiting Orange Beach. This extra attention and thoughtfulness helped May make her sunshine daydreams a reality.
While it may seem like a relatively simple happening – a quick trip to the beach with family – May’s journey illustrates how the coordinated services available through our programs, combined with the work of the professionals we support, can help Hoosiers attain their life’s goals and live the life they choose at any stage. Great care management begins with understanding an older Hoosier’s vision for their life. The Division of Aging is working to shift thinking from the notion that services exist to meet a participant’s basic needs to showing how integrating social and health supports can empower elderly Hoosiers to thrive. May was able to travel with her caregiver to Alabama because her caregiver and care manager were in conversation with May about her life dreams and did what was possible to make it happen.
Note: If you have any examples or stories of work you and your colleagues do that matters, please send them my way. You can send them to me at with the heading Moments that Matter. These stories will be archived on The Hub here.